PEN.UP encourage tagging on artworks to help user to discover more great works.
Tagging is available in description field with "#" while uploading (Post).
When you tag "#car" on your artwork, it is categorized in "#car" tag, so that other users can easily find your artwork with search.
PEN.UP also provide 14 categories which is featured tag among others. We will replace the categories by popularity.
■ How to use #Tag
Touch the post button on the right side of the top.
Once you get the post artwork page, select artwork you want upload and, type a title for it then you can write description about your work, at same time you can add tag with either "#" on keyboard or "#" button next to description field.
Keep in mind! Tag does not allow spaces [ex. #my car (X), #mycar(O), #my_car(O)]
Tip : Do you want to show your work more? Add more tag and make your tag specific and relevant rather than tagging tedious word.
■ Following tag
PEN.UP provides following tag. You can follow users and series but also tag.
When you follow a tag, you can receive every artworks added same tag in your feed.
You can easily follow what you are interested in with following tag.
It is one of our differentiated service for PEN.UP users.
You can find trending tags and such tags you are interested in by searching.
Type a tag you want find out in the search field, then select it.
You can find all the artworks tagged what you searched
After finding a tag, you can follow the tag by touching the following button.
With tag, you can enjoy PEN.UP more !
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