Have you ever seen the Tip & Drawing: Usage ArtFlow & drawing by artist bbbbbun?
Those who haven't checked her drawing tips are advised to refer to the link below.
Following the previous tips, a process of drawing using Artflow is introduced.
Now let's start learning ArtFlow Tips prepared by her.
I want to draw a rabbit on the yellow background, so first I designate reddish brown as a background color.
Draw a more detailed background on a new layer.
Roughly render the background and the bottom using airbrush and to give an effect of scattering light coming from the back.
Try tapping lighter colors with more textured brush.
If places look transparent due to the transparency of brush, simply duplicate the layer and fill the empty places.
On the duplicated upper layers you can try layer blend such as enlarging screen, overlay, or, right under them,
those effects of sepia, curve, vignette are good to be used.
I selected Screen as blending preference for the duplicated layer so that the tone could be bright,
and adjusted the transparency of the layer so that it could merge with the original layer with the exact middle tone.
Compound layers into one and make the background more blurred using Effect
- Blur Mode, And make the edges of brush touches soft and make the effect of light more vibrant.
When using these options by adjusting their values and transparency,
It would be better to try different settings to reach a better result.
If the background has been created roughly, compound the layers so that the project could not be
too complicated.
And add a new layer and sketch characters on it.
Draw a rough contour of a rabbit considering the proportion of the head and the body,
Add light considering its direction decided in the first place.
Using the color selection of the pen button action, I easily took and used colors from the surrounding areas.
Thinking that the character is too small for the size of the canvas, I adjusted the size and position.
Now that the rough sketch is created, I am going to render the details of hair by using smudge tool
so that the true appearance of a rabbit could be seen.
Considering the direction of hair, render hairs from the big ones to small ones.
After having created the rough appearance, render the strands of hair on the edge by using thin brush.
For more detailed effect and considering the overall effect during the process,
add any colors and details which look insufficient to continue to complete.
To make the rabbit more realistic, apply blending effect by duplicating the layer.
I tried adjusting by using the properties of the overlay, color and saturation.
Color and saturation is so important because they could instantly change the overall impression of the picture.
In HSL indicated by green color, H is color, S saturation, and L brightness.
And adding eyes, nose, and mouth, and the rest parts in consideration of the relations with surrounding areas
Successful rendering of such little points as eyes, nose, and mouth makes it easier to adjust the rest parts,
and helps you increase the level of perfection more effectively.
When you work with such little points as eyes, zoom in first, and use the brush with a little size and more transparency.
First, with a new layer, create lines of the big round eyes and a nose by using brown color.
Give highlight to the eyes with white color, and reduce transparency drastically and apply it to the lower part of the eyes as reflection.
Using color almost like pure black, dot a little point on each pupil to create the eyes.
As described above, add details like little hair around the edge of the eyes,
Position the nose carefully and balance the shades and colors depending on the lines of the nose.
Compound layers frequently so that the project could not become too complex,
but it would be better to leave the layer of the character and that of the background detached so that they could be easily modified later.
Create a layer between the character and the background to make a shadow.
Now using the completed version at the top left, we are going to find more proper results of various effects of Artflow.
You can change the color like the bottom left by adding a color layer and light blue.
And you can change the effect of the bottom right by changing color/saturation with the overlay mode of the duplication of the original layer.
We have just tried some little modifications using the effects we learned above.
Cherry blossoms were created using the way we learned for the background
Make several duplications of a layer of a petal which is created by adding pink on a white butouch with blurr effect, and change the size,
direction, and transparency of the duplications.
And create other effects on the completed work at the top left.
(Apply effects in the order of vignette, color layer, adjusting the color of the overlay layer only for characters)
Without sophisticated skills, anybody can create pictures easily by using the various features of Artflow.
It's not difficult. Just give it a try. ^_^
We appriciate to @bbbbbun such a meticulous and kind Tip& Drawing.
Let's Drawing tonight with ArtFlow!
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