Hello, PENPLEs!
This drawing tip was offered by @dongdongkim, the live drawing artist and PENUP user.
Today’s topic is drawing a person.
The artwork that we will introduce can be seen in Face category in Live Drawing.
Are you all ready?
Let’s get started.
TUTORIAL by @dongdongkim
Draw a portrait
Hello, PENUP users.
It’s been awhile on Drawing Tip. I am dongdongkim.
It is a great pleasure for me to meet with you all again with new contents at PENUP.
We can learn drawing with the streaming tutorial function on Live Drawing.
I will give you more detailed drawing tips for you to follow along my drawing of a more complicated level.
It is easier to learn the tactics if you know the principles than when you just trace along without knowing the concepts.
Now, let us get started.
First, we’ve divided the face and hair parts into two.
Since the basic tone of the hair is darker than the face, we’ve classified into two different saturations of grey color.
First, color the darker part in the face.
Going all over in the initial step of dark & shade filling is more convenient and stable way.
This is how you finish the light and shade.
At this time, the darkest part of the hair part is nearer to black. But, you can see that the face is greyish. This is because the hair part is darker than the face part as you classified the two tones in the initial part.
Then, color the lighter part.
This is quite abstract, but you can see that it looks more like a human face.
Now, we will do over-color in the middle part of the face.
The oil painting brush in PENUP tool will merge smoothly when you re-color, so you may also try the light and shade with black and white tone and add more colors onto it.
The colored part will not only use one color;
we will select darker color for the dark part for coloring.
We’ve colored the darkest part in the eyes.
Oil painting brush is a good tool, but it is quite big for delicate portray.
So we will change to pencil tool for details.
Also, use the pencil tool to draw from the darker part.
It is the same with portrayal.
Color the darker part of the wrinkles, and use the middle and lighter color for portray.
Also, depict the light part of the wrinkles.
This is the part how you color the darkest part of the face that gets light with dark skin tone.
The part that didn’t get sunlight is drawn in black. But this is the lighter part, so you need to overcast the darkness with lighter color.
Complete the lighter portrayer, and start portraying the darker part of the hair.
After you finish the darkest part, color with medium tone.
Black color was used for the darkest part in the shade of hair and moustache.
But, you can see that grey was used to portray the lighter part in the darkest area.
I’ve done the lightest part portray for the hair and moustache.
This is how you color the darker side of the clothes.
When I draw, I always select the part that comes as the main feature, and I concentrate on the portrayer of that very part.
It is really difficult to express every part with details, and this would make the view scatter around. So, it is necessary to do less portraying for the unnecessary parts.
Since the wrinkled face of the old man is expressing the strong topic of the artwork, I would just roughly go over the clothes.
I roughly portrayed the clothes with lighter part and darker part.
Lastly, I used the oil painting brush to smudge the barriers to make it go well with the background.
It’s all done.
I hope this would help you to understand the process.
Thank you.
A lot of people feel difficult about doing “portraits”.
This is probably because the face, appearance and the overall atmosphere may change depending on how you make composition.
Refer to this drawing tip and enjoy live drawing for this very artwork.
This way, you can enjoy portraits in easier manner.
When you upload the artwork, you may upload on the Live Drawing Category or add hashtags #LiveDrawing #DrawingTips.
We will come back with next drawing tips.
Thank you.
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