2014-01-13. AM 02:01
  • ■ What is pointillism?
  • Pointillism is attempted by a French artist 'Geroges Seurat' for the first time.This is a way to dot on the canvas with no mixing with various paints. Using a point instead of a line and expression through very short touch.
  • It looks like the one great work seen from a distance. But it uses optical illusion, this is similar situation that you see mosaic at a distance.
  • PEN.UP User-JUCHUL-KIM is famous for professional pointillism.
  • * Appreciation works : http://1004art.blogspot.kr/
  • Today, we will draw a pointillism using SketchBook Pro App.
  • ■ Drawing pointillism with SketchBook Pro
  • It is easier to draw pointillism using the layer function of SketchBook Pro.
    • Step1.
    • Touch layer button after launching SketchBook application
    • Step2.
    • To add new layer, choose "Add Layer" menu. Then import a image to draw in pointillism with "Import Photo" menu from "Add Layer" button.
    • Step3.
    • Drag down the imported picture to draw in pointillism. Keep tapping on the layer above picture with S pen.
    • Step4.
    • After finishing the work, you can check your artwork in pointillism by hiding the layer of imported picture.