Hello, PENPLEs!
Today, @icegido returned with drawing tips.
The tutorial theme is “Draw a doughnut”.
Why is it that the doughnut has a pierced ring in the middle?
There are many theories to this shape.
One theory is that after seeing that the middle part doesn’t get cooked well,
one pierced the middle with a fork. It was said this then became a well-cooked doughnut.
Another interesting theory was that a headman of Indian town shot an arrow that stroke into a doughnut.
The arrow got into the middle of the doughnut, which then brought the core-less doughnut into life.
At the present, there are many diverse shaped doughnuts.
There are doughnuts with the middle parts filled, stick type doughnuts or heart, star, small circle shaped doughnuts. Also, the doughnuts also get glazed, chocolate-decorated or sprinkled.
We will draw two types of ring doughnuts.
The drawing app we will use is SketchBook.
Are you ready?
Let’s get started.
TUTORIAL by @icegido
Draw a doughnut with SketchBook
Hello, PENUP users!
My name is Seo Jae-seong, an illustrator with the penup name @icegido.
We will use Autodesk Sketchbook today to draw sweet dessert doughnut.
The very first step is preparing a canvas that we will draw on, right?
I believe that you can always naturally prepare a canvas that you’ve used before.
I pressed on the left top menu button – New sketch – User properties to set the canvas to 2000 x 2000.
If you are to use it for the mobile phone home screen, you just need to customize it to the device screen resolution.
The resolution that you’ve set can be reused next time at ease.
(ex – Galaxy Note 8 resolution 1440 x 2960)
The shape of doughnut is an oval shape, but many of the users find it difficult to draw a neat oval.
There is a very efficient feature in the Sketchbook App that we use.
Let us use this feature to make this oval shape neat.
First, press on “Compass and ruler” icon on the top menu bar.
Then, you can make it activated by pressing on the “Circle” shape on the second part.
Here, you can draw a circle if you drag this to canvas. You can just allocate it to the shape you want.
(The outline shape and color may differ according to the brush type and color that have been selected. If you are to draw a sketch, I recommend you use Technical Pen that makes it look neat.)
Now, you need to color the bread part that is the basis to the drawing.
In order to express the doughnut differently at the front and rear, add two new layers beneath the layer that has been sketched.
You need to fill up the bread in each layer with the same color.
You just need to color it along the sketch line at your best.
But don’t worry if the colors go out of the lines.
They can be erased at the final stage.
In the 4th and 5th stage, we’ve separated the front and the rear part of the doughnut,
so add two more layers to the doughnut decoration part.
The decoration goes on top of the bread, so the added layer should top the doughnut bread part.
Now, color the background part of the decoration that fits to the location of the bread.
I will draw strawberry flavor and chocolate flavor doughnut.
So the background colors I chose are pink and brown.
Based on the background color that has been done neat, we need to put the light and shadow.
Spot the background color with an eye dropper tool and adjust the light and dark of luminosity.
This way, you can do natural color expression.
The bread is soft, so it will be good to lower the transparency of the brush so that the light and shadow gets in naturally.
It’s now time for us to make the strawberry (pink decoration) doughnut look more delicious with diverse colorful candies.
I will decorate with yellow, blue, white and red.
You just need to draw thin candies with straight lines on the appropriate spots.
It will look more realistic if you put in shadow to the candies presented, right?
Use an eye dropper tool to select the darker part in the decoration and color the lower part of each candy.
It’s now time for us to give more details to the chocolate doughnut decorations.
Select a darker color then the chocolate color underneath.
Then, draw it in a natural wave shape.
Be careful not to make it go outside the doughnut;
if it gets out of the shape, you just need to erase it.
This is what I always do at the last stage.
It’s the shadow part.
If we have a shadow, it makes the drawing look complete.
You just need to add the layer at the bottom and color the shadow.
It will be better to mix other colors instead of using only grey for the shadow.
This way, you can have a more natural looking shadow.
Draw the shadow first, and if the shadow looks too light, you just need to color the part where the shadow meets the doughnut with a darker color.
Here, we have a strawberry and chocolate doughnuts.
The main expression feature is the decoration part with vivid colors, not the bread, so you can draw pretty looking doughnuts of diverse colors that look natural enough.
Thank you.
Two ovals quickly turned into doughnuts.
Try drawing various desserts by applying today’s tutorial.
When you upload your works, please upload them on “Drawing Tip” category
or put in #DrawingTips hashtag.
Next topic is said to be one of the desserts.
We look forward to your interest.
We will come back with the next drawing tip.
Thank you.
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