For this time, the artist characterized with oil paint texture that reminds us of van gogh provided the drawing tips.
That is draw peacock with ArtRage app!
Let’s get started!
TUTORIAL by @zak
Draw peacock with Artrage
Hello, everyone!
I'm @zak, one of the PEN.UP users. ^^
Today, I’ll let you know drawing tips that everyone can follow with some tools.
Let's take a look at the picture first.
For this painting I use painting pomades, knife, brushes, and the pen tools.
Let’s begin with pomade tool.
First I drop some pomade (blue, orange, yellow, red, brown) on the canvas.
Then I choose the knife tool.
After that, I use the knife to mix the colors so that they spread all over the canvas.
I mix it up from the top.
Until I get a smooth mix of colors just like this:
Looks like an oil painting, doesn't it?
We’re almost done drawing background.
After that, I use the pen to sketch the thing I want to draw here. In this case, I am going to draw a peacock with black pen!
After that, I start to paint with brush strokes along the flow of the peacock. You can use any color you want, depending on your feeling and impression.
I used the blue here. It stands out well from the warm background.
You keep going just like that until are satisfied with your work.
Doesn’t it look better?
You can add more colors to make it look even better. It’s up to you what colors you use.
At the end, I added some blue strokes that go along the flow of the peacock.
It’s over now!
Thank you! Hope it’s enough to help you learn new things!
We appreciate @zak for sharing easy and simple tips to draw peacock.
How was it?
I followed the drawing tips of @zak directly and the guide tools were very useful!
Maybe you thought it would be hard to draw for an oil painting.
But, You will have an amazing experience with only 4 tools in the ArtRage application.
Feel free to draw oil painting. You don’t get an oil stain on your shirt. You don’t need to worry about it. Just try mobile art.