2016-10-11. AM 02:41
[Artrage] Draw landscape
Hello, PEN.ple!

In July, one of our artist members, @trapAsia, who was chosen as HOF and draw one sketch a day, sent us some tips to draw a landscape painting.

We guess the PEN.ples who already read the interview with @trapAsia must have been very curious about the method to his drawing.

Let's draw a landscape together!

TUTORIAL by @trapAsia
Draw landscape with Artrage

Hello. I’m @trapAsia.
This is my first attempt to write a tutorial.

I tried to make it very simple with as few colors, tones, and shapes as possible.
It takes less than 30 min to finish the sketch.

I use 853x480 sized canvas for landscape sketches.
For this tutorial I used only 4 tools in the ArtRage application.

Now, Let’s start.

Make a new canvas with a size of 853x480px.
I set the name of the canvas as the date of the drawing.

With the chalk tool, I started making strokes with various tones of blue and blue grey.
Some light area is left untouched.

Then I selected the knife tool with the preset called “Heavy Blurred Frosting”.

With the tool I started blurring the sky while preserving some white light in the sky area.

This is how it looks like after some blending.
You can keep some of the light.

If required use the eraser tool to remove color where you want to remove it.

I like rough patches, so never blend too much.

I added a new layer for drawing the ground.
Then I painted a mountain range with dark blue with the chalk tool and used green as the foreground.

I proceeded to add highlight on the green with eraser tool.

Then with the knife tool preset called “Hard Out Smear” I smudged the foreground.

Highlights on the foreground are diffused with the knife tool as well.
Also, I split the mountain range with the same tool.

With the chalk tool I picked a lighter blue color to I finish the mountain shape.
Then used the knife to smear.

I also added some dark green at bottom of the foreground.

Now the distant mountain and foreground are drawn with the chalk tool.
Then I added a new layer and filled with cyan color with the bucket tool.

I changed the Blend Mode of this layer is kept to Color Burn.
I then reduced the opacity of the new layer.

Finally, I’ll show you more about the layer settings.

Layer 1 :
Blend mode “Color Burn” and set the opacity approximately at 25%

Layer 2 :
Normal blend with 100% opacity.
This layer is a clone of the layer below.
The distinct mountain were erased.

Layer 3 with opacity 75%

Layer 4 with opacity 60%

It’s over now! Thanks.

We appreciate @trapAsia for sharing great tips to landscape painting.
Why don't we use this amazing layer function and draw a landscape of our own?

Thank you very much.

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