2016-04-27. AM 05:57
[Sketchbook] Draw hysterical cat

The drawing tip we are about to introduce to you today has been provided by @Chuppylim.

He makes PEN.ples happy with his unique drawing style.
Let’s learn how to draw following @Chuppylim's TIPs on one of his works ‘hysterical cat’.

TUTORIAL by @Chuppylim
Draw hysterical cat with Sketchbook

Hi! PEN.UP people!
I am Chuppy Lim. (@ChuppyLim)

I would like to show you how i create my drawings step by step.

Drawing is much easier with mirror effect in Sketchbook.
(Click ‘Symmetry’)

I found it faster to draw subject in a frontal projection.
I start off with a very rough drawing.

Add a new top layer with a selected brush and start to add more details to drawing. (using the mirror effect)

After you have finished the details, lock the layer as shown on the layer with a little lock, click on the small tiny lock open and close.

Now you can select a new color for the drawing.
I have selected a dark brown.

Start painting on the black area and it will change to brown.
Note: always check the tiny lock is locked before you start painting on it.

To add a little effect you can select another darker brown color using an airbrush tool to spray on the right side.

This will create a shadow effect. (Don’t forget the layer lock)

Eyes are added on a new layer below the drawing.

If you want the background color select the bottom layer with round icon.
I have selected a cream background color.

Have selected a white color for the body and mouth part and drawing with a brush on a new layer.

‘hysterical cat’ is Finished! ☺

Thank you for enjoying my work!
Good luck everyone!

Cheers, everyone!
We hope this TIPs on drawing using a symmetric effect and layer function were useful for you!

Thank you for providing useful tips, @Chuppylim.

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