2016-01-07. AM 03:05
  • Hello.
    I am @uzu, and I am a PEN.UP user.

    I would like to show you simple scribble like drawing you could do while taking a rest or having some spare time.

    I believe that the strength of the tablet drawing is that you could enjoy drawing easily without having big tools.

    So, I like drawing comfortably and easily.

    Today’s topic is drawing a wasp.

    The first posting is about line drawing, and in the second posting,
    I will draw an imaginary vehicle leveraging this wasp drawing.

    First of all, imagine how a wasp would like and think about the strong points that pop up in your mind.

    If you can’t think about the impression of a wasp, you could see some wasps by searching on your mobile.

    But, I recommend you draw the wasp without seeing the picture.

    This is because if you have a reference when you do scribble drawing,
    you would end up following the picture, having less joy of drawing freely.

    Once you make up in your mind the looks, try to think what impressed you the most and keep that in your mind.

    What is reminiscent for me is the bigger curve than the honey, resembling number 3, chubby and tiger patterned stomach and sharp needles.
  • First, bring out the canvas of the size you want.

    Since I draw on other SNS channels, I will draw on a square canvas.

    Then, let’s do the sketch in red colored pencil.

  • The curve will resemble number 3, and I will draw in the body with the needle, putting a stronger point in the big stomach.

    After drawing the body, let’s draw in the legs and feeler of the wasp.

    When I draw the legs, I put special effort on the joints.

    I remember that the bugs are consisted of three joints for the legs and two knuckles.
  • The wings start from right above the legs, or the middle part of the breast.

    Since it will be difficult to express the transparent wings, I draw in the fast wings.

    Roughly mark with a curve to easily draw the unique pattern of the wasp on the stomach.

    Once the sketch is done, open another layer.
    Draw along the outline with dark grey color on the sketch layer.

    The objective is not to draw in details and in realistic forms.
    So, I draw freely with a bit thicker lines.

    I usually use pencil, marker pens or brush shaped tools.
    But, this time, I will use the brush tools for the outline.

    Draw the outline from the leg which seems to be closer to the front.
  • When I finish drawing the outlines, I change the sketch layer to be invisible.

    Then, I color these parts that are dark or black in the drawing.
  • Draw the pattern on the stomach of the wasp.

    It doesn't have to be accurate; just draw what you can think.

    I drew in the tiger pattern because it seemed like the tiger pattern.
  • After finishing the stomach part, keep thinking whether there are parts that are darker in the honeybee’s body.

    Since the eyes and legs are all dark colored, I depict the eyes and legs simply.

    While depicting, adjust the pencil pressure to draw the lines in different thickness in order to give the feeling of the texture that is dark but glossy.
  • (Reference)
    If you draw with one color (especially with an achromatic color),
    you will have difficulties in expressing various textures.

    But, the achromatic color is good to express the glossy texture.

    The above drawing is a drawing of horn, the brass, with brush pen.

    As you see in the picture, touching the dark parts, light parts and reflection parts would give enough of texture.
  • Also, give some textures to the breast and head where the wings start.
  • Then, use thick lines to express the dark and glossy parts in the stomach and the texture.

    Also, use think lines for the breast part of the wasp at the back of the wings that move.

    When you finish the thin lines, set the eraser and the brush tools in white color.

    Then, select the thinnest line to draw a frame line along with the outline.

    Since you draw with only one color, the shape could be kind of confusing;

    it will be helpful if you draw in a white line.
  • Now, carefully see if there are lines that are scattered around the outline and trim them when necessary.

    Also, the outline on the wings seems to be thin.

    So, I use a bit thicker brush to make the lines thicker in a way that does not distract the movement of the wings.
  • Done.

    In the second tutorial, I will try drawing an imaginary vehicle that resembles a bike.

    In fact, there are many bikes that are named after the wasp due to many similarities.

    Thank you!!