2015-10-14. AM 05:56

  • The celebration for the 2nd anniversary of PEN.UP was successfully held.

    Our happiness is beyond description thanks to your wonderful celebratory works.

    The 2nd anniversary commemorative poster, which is made with many unique drawings, is beautiful,
    isn't it?
    A wonderful video which will be made with your works will be presented at the year-end exhibition.
    You can look forward to it!

    We said that the best 5 works would be selected and the artists of them would be sent presents with those pictures printed.
    We are going to send t-shirts with a picture which the selected people want printed.

    We hope you understand we really wish we could pay a visit to, and thank, each person.
    Now here are the lucky ones for the event.
  • The first one is a humorous picture which depicts cute animals eating a large "PEN.UP" cake.

    “here's already a party??” by @nakedyaks

    At a first glance the PEN.UP logo placed in the center looked like a tent.
    But the animals are not playing under the tent, but there are certainly some bitten parts here and there.

    we wished we could make a cake like that. >_<
  • And all of his description on the pictures are impressive.

    The artist offers detailed explanations about the pictures so that viewers could feel more comfortable and friendly.
    That was certainly the reason why @nakedyaks is so popular despite his relatively short period of membership. ^^

  • The second winner!
    @Papu also made a true celebratory work for PEN.UP's anniversary.

    The splendid and colorful but at the same time delicately shining picture attracted our eyes.

    To celebrate PEN.UP's anniversary, which is in autumn, @Papu created a red-colored maple tree over him.
    The characteristic text style and drawing were also impressive.

    It looks like it was created by using real pencils and watercolors,
    but it was a result of Note 2 and Galaxy Note Pro 12.2(tablet).

    We hope he continues to be with us.

  • Here is the third winner. @hosio's commemorative work for PEN.UP anniversary.

    It was created by Galaxy Note 3.
    The picture represents a cute girl holding a PEN.UP airplane in one hand and S-pen in the other hand.

    The phrase "HAPPY BIRTH DAY" is magically spewing from the tip of S-pen, which is lovely.
    Her clothes would be also good for PEN.UP uniform.

    All the witty and ingenious works are much appreciated. >_<

  • Here is the fourth lucky one.

    This is @R.A.A's celebratory work where S-pen is most conspicuous just like in @hosio's picture.

    Here and there simple and clear style airplanes created from the tip of S-pen are flying freely.

    From these pictures,
    we can be sure that PEN.UP friends have different residences, characteristics, and picture styles,
    but they all have something in common living in harmony and enjoying their life in a shared space.

    It is so considerate that he put “27th of September = PEN.UP's birthday” on the top right side.
    Thank you. ^_^

    And the last lucky one?

  • That is @trishashah . Congratulations!

    She created five celebratory works in total, which is greatly appreciated.
    They are created by Infinite Painter.
    They look similar but have different moods. Opening Champagne, flying PEN.UP planes, dancing in celebration, and delicious cupcakes, etc.
    These are all created by S-pen to celebrate PEN.UP's anniversary.

    We felt we have to use these pictures as posters for every PEN.UP's anniversary.

    So these are the 5 winners for the event of PEN.UP's second anniversary.

    Through this event for PEN.UP's second anniversary,
    we were so pleased to see that all the Penple are living a happy drawing life,
    which is just something PEN.UP has always hoped.

    Thank you again! PEN.ples!
    (^_^) (- -) (_ _) (- -) (^_^)

    Although we wish to send to all participants, we hope all of you PEN.ple understand that only a few selected people will receive some presents. ^_^

    If you are one of the selected ones,
    please send us some of your personal information including
    - your PEN.UP ID
    - real name
    - mailing address
    - contact number
    - the picture you want
    - the size of t-shirt

    to the email address below until 20,October(Tue).

    >> penup.mgr@gmail.com

  • * Information for winners :
    Those who have won the event, please check the privacy policy until Tuesday, October 20.
    Then you should send personal information collection service phrase, as well as personal information
    (PEN.UP ID, real name, mailing address, contact number, and the picture you want, the size of t-shirt)
    You can reject to the personal information collection service, but in case of rejection, you may not be able to the get the prize.
    Also, the prize can be cancelled if you do not send us an e-mail within the notified period.

    * Personal information collection service phrase :
    I, hereby, agree to the term on personal information collection service.
    I have checked the term on personal information service delegation, and I consent to the delegation of personal information service.

    * Purpose of personal information collection and usage :
    To check prize winning for PEN.UP May challenge and prize delivery.
    * Personal information collection criteria: PEN.UP ID/ Real name/ Address/ Contact number
    * Period for retaining personal information and usage: October 14, 2015 – October 30, 2015

    * Caution when receiving prizes:
    The winning of prize will automatically be cancelled if personal information is not delivered until Tuesday, October 20.
    In case the winner was not able to receive the prize due to wrong personal information, we cannot resend the prize.
    The personal information collected will be discarded within three months after the delivery is completed.
    Prizes will be sent out after Monday, October 26.