2024-07-19. AM 01:59
[Interview] HOF July 2024 @A123
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American painter Georgia O'Keeffe is a renowned female modernist painter.

She painted natural elements using simple and concise forms, and abstractly interpreted reality with vivid and intense colors.

O’Keeffe created a unique style that combines tradition and innovation, presenting a new perspective on the subject through her own perspectives and experiences.

@A123, who was selected for the Hall of Fame this July, also presents a unique perspective on nature in her work.

PENUP Hall of Fame

A123’s works contain a variety of subjects.

She conveys the emotions she feels from seeing nature in a variety of colors and showcases her originality with unique expressions.

The artist also adds a sense of mystery by putting unique interpretations on various subject materials, from people to birds and flowers.

We can't wait to ask @A123 about artworks through an interview.

Now, let us begin our interview with the artist.

PENUP Hall of Fame


Hello, @A123!

On behalf of everyone at the PENUP team, We’d like to congratulate you on being inducted into our Hall of Fame in July 2024.

Please briefly introduce yourself and tell us your thoughts on selection.

A1. @A123

Hello, I thank you and your hardworking and kind team, and it makes me proud to be in the Hall of Fame with those I have always respected.

Thank you for working day and night and introducing people to different types of paintings.

My friends and I appreciate your efforts.

I am Bahar and I have a doctorate in accounting with an excellent GPA and I am in my final year of study and I have been drawing for almost 18 years.

Until recently, in these two or three years, I got to know your software.

At first, it was difficult for me to work with the software and I couldn't express my thoughts, but over time I found very talented friends and thanks to them I got motivated and prepared gifts for them in the form of paintings.

I learned to work with your digital software and I only work with it, that is, I try with pen and tablet or try to draw my own ideas or color your drawing.

Or to enjoy life by participating in painting competitions.

I really thank my friends for republishing their works and they also support me and I think that republishing has increased the motivation of artists and in general between writing an article or writing a book for the doctoral course I am painting and each painting 2 or 3 It takes days.

It takes a total of 12 or 15 hours to finish a painting and I love new ideas and new colors.

So I can come up with new ideas calmly.

But coloring pages can take 6 or 7 hours to complete and I'm happy to run the ideas.

PENUP Hall of Fame


You started posting your work in July 2021.

How did you find out about PENUP, and what inspired you to share your work on PENUP?

A2. @A123

In response to your question, how did I get to know PENUP?

At first, a loved one of the family had installed it.

After seeing the paintings, I found a motivation to install them, and the thing that encouraged me to implement my own paintings and ideas must have been the love and passion for painting, maybe the love and passion for giving paintings to people was also effective.

And these kind people were my dear friends that I will never forget them and their kindness, but due to the difficulty of the doctoral course, I once wanted to say goodbye to the software forever, but my kind Omar2a7 and my dear sister Katerina78 encouraged me again.

Katerina78, who is very talented in paintings that are alive and has left magnificent and masterful works, encouraged me to continue working and I continued to create paintings with love and passion.

In addition to my dear sister katerina78, other dear friends also supported me, for which I thank all dear ones.

Actually, reposting was a big factor in my progress and I thank you for that.

PENUP Hall of Fame


Your paintings seem to sparkle and twinkle so beautifully.

Can you tell us what sort of devices and apps you like to use to create your work?

A3. @A123

Thank you for describing my drawing.

I just use your software and it's great.

I don't need any other software.

In the past, as you can see in the picture above, I spent many hours making these painted lights by hand, but you helped me update the software and made the work more beautiful.

Thank you for these updates and of course I use the tablet S6 and pen.

PENUP Hall of Fame


We noticed the sheer variety of subjects featured in your feed.

What inspired you to draw and paint in the beginning?

A4. @A123

Colors in nature are the first inspiration.

Basically, I watch a lot of nature live or online and I like the colors used in nature, that's why I use certain colors.

In my mind, by combining those colors, I have to create innovation in the paintings, and in general, I love different colors together and trying them and making the painting look more beautiful.

I believe that in painting, just like in other subjects, you should study the works of other prominent artists of the world and use their experiences visually and mentally.

PENUP Hall of Fame


We were also able to see various beautifully colored landscapes that gave off a very mysterious feeling.

Is there a reason you mostly paint landscapes, and what kind of scenery do you like to draw?

A5. @A123

I love nature and I use diverse and happy colors in nature in my paintings.

Basically, I get this sense of mystery from nature itself, because I feel that some colors are in nature and cannot be observed by the ordinary eye, and must be found and applied with a strong and experimental sense.

And he made more use of natures that have placed the imaginary state of reality next to fusion, that is, a different image of the mind and the reality with which it is combined.

PENUP Hall of Fame


And there are all of these flowers.

Why do you like painting flowers?

What type of flowers do you like painting most?

A6. @A123

I have loved flowers in nature since I was a child, and my name, which is Bahar, means beautiful nature, beautiful flowers, and blooming trees, and if I see flowers in nature, I look for their names and want to know them more.

For example, the marigold, which matches my name, is a beautiful flower with yellow and orange colors, and one of my other favorite flowers is saffron, which is an expensive flower that I also use in food. And I like it because it is warm and a very beautiful flower.

Its color is very special and unique and it is purple, and purple is used from yellow, golden, crimson, slightly blue colors and it is dreamy.

I read a lot because my family were doctors and teachers and I like to read books, so I also read about flowers.

And I love all roses and My other favorite flowers are liliums, which have many color variations.

In nature, small yellow and white flowers are hidden between the trees, and they are also interesting to me, and when I see them, I start painting, and of course if If I wanted to talk about all the flowers I could write a whole book and thank you for this beautiful question you asked.


PENUP Hall of Fame


Various animals, from real to imagined, appear on your feed as well.

What animals do you like painting the most, and what makes animals so charming?

A7. @A123

Again, I refer to nature for this answer.

Some animals in nature show their beauty twice as much to others and some are kept in homes.

I love all animals and birds and I enjoy the animal challenges you arrange because they make me happy.

I can study more, I also enjoy the spectacular work of my friends, but my favorite animal is the dragon, because I was born in the year of the dragon and I have a special interest in this animal.

I especially like to use butterflies in my paintings.

For example, in the coloring pages you can see the butterflies that I designed, and in the birds, my favorite bird is the peacock, and even in my clothes, I try to use different colors, and I also like the eagle because it is a bird in the sky.

He flies and calls himself the king of the sky.

PENUP Hall of Fame


Aside from your paintings, you’ve also done plenty of coloring with interesting color combinations.

What type of coloring designs do you like to choose when you want to do some coloring?

Also, why does coloring appeal to you as a form of artistic expression?

A8. @A123

Often in the paintings that exist, I look for special painting pages where I can use nature in its text and give a beautiful color variation to the painting, and the image you chose from my colorings is one of the old images. that the fonts were not updated.

But now that the pens are updated and I enjoy coloring more and I use a more natural style in my new paintings.

For example, in my recent paintings that I presented to you, you can see that I used natural colors.

Of course, I always enjoy seeing the beautiful works of my friends in Penap and I try to help by supporting and reposting or liking so that my friends will also find motivation and enjoy painting.

They also support and motivate me with their beautiful support and I thank all of you and my friends for these beautiful colorings.

PENUP Hall of Fame


You seem to enjoy painting various characters, too.

What type of character or person do you like to paint the most?

And are there any other subjects or themes you’d like to explore with your painting going forward?

A9. @A123

I love your clever question.

Yes, fictional characters are very enjoyable, for example, I prefer characters with special clothes, as you can see in this drawing, also one of your challenges for characters.

I liked This was one of my favorite challenges and I enjoyed the experience of showing beautiful clothes or beautiful hair for beautiful women in different competitions.

Yes, I like to learn about all the cultures of the world and the hairstyles in different cultures, and I also like to summarize the stories of different people into characters and teach others.

For example, in one of my paintings, a man flies in front of an angel.

This could be the most important romance I've ever read.

You can get ideas by looking at the fictional stories of different characters as well as paying attention to famous people in old and new times who painted their characters like Andre kohn or other talented artists.

Very enjoyable and great characters can be combined and used in challenges with respect to old art and new art.

PENUP Hall of Fame


This is the last question.

Please let us know if there is anything you would like to see improved while using PENUP, or if there is anything you would like to say.

A10. @A123

Yes, I want to thank you again and it's an honor to be in the Hall of Fame and I'm glad you're asking me these smart and beautiful questions.

I will mention a few things.

I hope it will be useful for you and your friends.

The first thing about news is updating or slowing down at certain times.

For peace of mind, I want everyone to be informed, for example, it will take a day or two to prepare the program.

This makes it easy for all users and also makes it easy for the PENUP team.

And the next thing, for more details in the design, I need to zoom more on the screen and I want help from the new update, and the next point is to thank you for republishing the works in the software, which I will mention the reasons and the benefits of republishing the works 1- Motivation: because you can Show users and friends that you are important by reposting and the number of reposts will make this thread stronger and any user can support friends or strangers and I was happy to repost friends when I joined PENUP.

2- Learning experience and training: This is the second reason to resubmit. You can watch your friends' colors and ideas and add to your experience, this will make you look at all your friends' drawings with love. 3- Supporter increase: increase the number of supporters by supporting friends.

I hope all users will support new and old users and friends who have less time will pay more attention to the paintings.

Finally, I request PENUP and the PENUP team to support the beautiful works of my friends that are being stolen by some users.

The beautiful strategy will be implemented and this will create peace in the software environment and we will witness the creation of beautiful works by friends.

I ask God for health and peace for all of you.

I will forever remain in love with those who are in my heart and my feelings will not change.

Love you all, Bahar

How was the interview with @A123?

Georgia O'Keeffe poured her heart and soul into observing and reinterpreting commonly found materials and objects.

@A123 also expresses her affection for the emotions she felt upon seeing nature in her own way.

For those of you who are reading this post, why not try your own hand at reinterpreting various topics from different perspectives and express the beauty within them?

We think you might enjoy expressing various landscapes, imaginary figures, and objects using your own unique colors.

We hope that everyone's work adds wonder to the diverse colors on PENUP.

Thank you.

- The PENUP Team