There are so many different kinds
of cats in the world.
You have munchkins with short limbs
and a long torso, there’s the
Scottish Fold with its round face
and folded ears, there’s the Persian
with fluffy fur, and there's
the hairless Sphynx cat.
And don’t forget the Siamese cats
with blue eyes and unique patterns,
the Turkish Angora known for its
odd eyes, the Bombay, which has
shiny black fur, the Maine Coon,
which is one of the largest
domesticated cats in the world,
and also Servals and Leopard cats
that live in the wild.
Whether they live with people
or out in the wild, there are
so many different breeds of cats.
Our second challenge in May is about
'Cat', one of the most beloved
animals in the world.
Lake and cat / @azu
cat / @Richness
History tells us that cats have been
around people for a very long time.
People in Africa
started domesticating cats
10,000 years ago when they settled
into villages and began living
together with people.
Since then, cats protect people’s
food from rats, and they naturally
became smaller.
Most cats hate water and like
warm places because they used to
live in a dry desert climate.
♡ fairy kiss! ♡ / @Hani
Purrr / @TrishaRS
Of course, cats have other
interesting traits.
Their eyes and pupils are larger
than those of other animals, and
they're great at tracking
moving objects with their eyes.
They also have a lot of
soft cartilage, which is why they
can fit into any hole so long as
they can squeeze their head through.
That’s why cats sometimes feel like
they’re made of jelly or some
We think you’ll have a great time
drawing what you think is
the most unique or interesting thing
about cats.
The hug with Yellow cat / @greeda
A blue eyed cat ; coloured / @BacGyver
Cats are known to communicate
using gestures and body language.
If it lowers its tail and trembles,
it means it’s scared.
If they have their tail pointing
straight toward the sky,
it means they’re happy to see you.
Dropping their tail and sweeping it
from side to side means they’re
frustrated, and if you see a cat
arching its torso up with both
its tail and fur all standing up,
it means it’s angry.
Cats can sometimes move their ears
and use their voice to express
different emotions as well.
So, what comes to your mind
when you hear the word “Cat?”
You’re free to draw cats of
various colors and shapes,
cats that appear in stories,
or cats from your imagination.
Upload them and be a part of
this month’s challenge!
This will be proceeded for 16 days.
from May. 16, Thu (GMT)
to May. 31, Fri (GMT).
The challenge is running based
on GMT.
Therefore, the start and end times
differ depending on time zone
of each country, so please refer to
GMT time when uploading your work.
We look forward to your
participation and amazing works!
Thank you.
Fun, Express, Share!
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