2023-11-14. AM 02:12
[Challenge] 2023. November : Let's draw Portrait

Portraits take various forms.
Artists can depict the face,
upper body, or the entire body,
and group portraits of
multiple individuals
are also considered portraits.

Various characters,
ranging from kings
to common citizens, are portrayed,
and the artist's interpretation
can depict the same character
as either gentle or sinister.

the approach to drawing
allows for a wide range,
from detailed
and intricate depictions
to caricatures emphasizing features,
or even abstract portraits
brimming with distinctiveness.

The second challenge theme
for November is ‘Portrait’,
a painting that captures
the appearance of a person.

(Untitled) / @Maria
Portrait in the wild / @lyh

Portraits have long been
a common subject in paintings.

In the past,
painting was an expensive business
and was mainly reserved
for kings and nobles
who lived wealthy lives.

But, in modern times,
the development of
various art tools, reduced prices,
and increased popularity
have made it feasible
for ordinary people
to create portraits.

Family Portrait / @R.A.A
@Nina (Penple Portrait) / @Pato.Cha

Portraits are valuable records
that aid us in
understanding the past.

Portraits possess historical value
as they contain various details,
ranging from the lifestyle of the era
to prevalent trends and customs.
That's why some people say
that our descendants will guess
our lives by researching
at the portraits we had created.

It could be fun to draw a portrait
that you'd like to share
with someone in the future.

colours of a portrait / @Poppy
(Untitled) / @zivzif

As portraits gained popularity
among the public,
they began to reflect
the artist's feelings and ideas.

At the time,
artists tried various methods,
such as subtle expressions,
asymmetrical compositions,
and unrealistic colors.

As a result, unlike earlier times,
they could establish
an emotional connection
with their audience
through their artwork.

What portrait are you thinking of
right now?

Take on the challenge
by drawing portraits ranging from
real life to imagined futures,
and even portraits full of
emotions and expressions!

This will be proceeded for 15 days.
from November. 16, Thu (GMT)
to November. 30, Thu (GMT).

The challenge is running based
on GMT.

Therefore, the start and end times
November differ depending on time zone
of each country, so please refer to
GMT time when uploading your work.

We look forward to your
participation and amazing works!

Thank you.

Fun, Express, Share!

PENUP - Share your drawings!
-The PENUP Team