2022-08-19. AM 01:57
[Interview] HOF August 2022 @yihyunyi

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please check the link below.
Go watch now a video of
'August HOF @yihyunyi'

British painter William Turner
is said to have traveled a lot.

Having made a name for himself
as a painter at an early age,
he traveled all over Europe to find
new inspiration.
It is said that he studied color and
light through the works of masters
from all over the world.

It is said that even as he grew
older, he continued to devour new
theories and travel around Europe to
paint landscapes that left a lasting
impression on him.

Artist @yihyunyi, who was inducted
into the Hall of Fame in August,
is also directing our footsteps to
new places by capturing the natural
scenery he has seen.

Various places appear in
the artist's work.

The beautiful colors of nature
in various landscapes such as
mountains, rivers, and the sea along
the road give a soft and comfortable
feeling, making you feel like you
are relaxing while traveling.

Along with this, the titles attached
to the works seem to inform
the process of travel, and also
convey the name of a flower found
by chance or inspiration felt by
seeing nature.

We would like to know how you came
to draw these works through
the question.

So, let's start the interview with
the artist.

Hello, Artist.
This is the operations of PENUP.
Firstly, congratulations on
your selection on August.
Please briefly introduce yourself
and share us how you feel about it.

A1. @yihyunyi
I am an old man
living in Daegu, Korea.
After retiring as a landscape
manager, I am in charge of security
for a small company.

I found PENUP by chance while
searching for my childhood dream,
and I am very passionate about PENUP
and live my life.

When I found out that I was inducted
into the Hall of Fame in August,
I felt a lot of accomplishment and
There are a lot of people who draw
good pictures but I questioned like
‘why me?’.
Since then, it seems that there has
been a vital force in my life, so
I am trying to live an active life.
Thank you for choosing me who can't
draw well.

Please look at my poor work with
a good heart and give me
encouragement and advice, everyone.

The first work was uploaded in
July 2020.
Since then, you have been
continuously uploading works.
How did you come to know PENUP and
start uploading your work?

A2. @yihyunyi
After replacing it with
the Samsung Note 9, I came to know
PENUP by accident, so I remembered
my drawing as a distant childhood,
and I drew it step by step from
the draft and shared it with many.

Steadily, I am finding a good side
of myself, thinking of it
as a hobby, and drawing when
I have time.
I just want to pursue a clear and
warm picture as I thought.

You have captured beautiful scenery
in your work.
We wonder what devices and apps
these works are being created

A3. @yihyunyi
At first, I was drawing on
the Note 9, but after seeing
a lot of stuff because it was
a bit frustrating, now I am drawing
a lot with the Galaxy Tab S6.

After taking a picture or sketching
with my phone, I move it to the tab
and finish it.
When I exercise or go for a walk,
I take a lot of pictures with
my phone when I see a good
composition or landscape.
Also, I can't travel much, so
I capture various pictures and draw
based on them.

You captured a beautiful landscape
full of the feeling of traveling in
peace in your work.

We wonder what inspired you to draw
this piece of art.

A4. @yihyunyi
When I see pretty flowers or
landscapes around me in my daily
life, I try not to overlook them,
and I try to draw them at home or
in the office by taking pictures or
sketching them if I have time.

And instead of traveling on purpose
to find the subject matter,
I pay attention to the beauty of
the surroundings.

We were able to see works that
used sketch filters among the first
uploaded works.
We wonder what kind of place
you drew.

Also, we’re curious as to what
inspired you to draw this piece
of art.

A5. @yihyunyi
Initially, I started drawing with
sketch filters on the walls of
my local school, the park in front
of my house, etc.
I have developed sketching skills
because I keep drawing, so now
I draw on my own,
but I still use the sketch filter.

And it was nice to be able to use
my own colors freely because
I expressed the scenery as a picture
and it looked a little nicer and

Also, one of small wishes of mine
is that other people will see
my drawings and
Feel a little clear at least.

Each of the above works had
the titles 'Painting the past spring
and 'Take the spring.'

The concise but easy-to-understand
titles you put on your work caught
our attention.

We wonder what kind of feeling you
put into the title.

A6. @yihyunyi
I continued drawing because
I wanted to concisely express
the feeling while looking at
the painting after finishing it.
When you look at the expression of
feeling and the picture together,
you can feel a little more lively.

In the work that vividly expresses
the color and characteristics of
flowers, the title also tells
the name of the flower,
so we were able to look at
the flower in a different way.
We wonder how you came to draw this
piece of art.

Also, a lot of flowers appeared in
the whole work, and We are curious
about the charm of flowers that
the artist feels.

A7. @yihyunyi
While walking leisurely on
a spring day, I see a flower in full
bloom then simply draw it
on the spot and complement it
a little more at home.

When I was young, I couldn't see
many flowers up close, but as
I get older, I can see them more
and more.
It’s beautiful anyway so I try it
out boldly.

I'm trying to get a name out because
I'm not good at drawing, so people
who see it might wonder,
'What kind of flower is this?',
so I write the name of the flower.

Flowers are also messengers of
the seasons and they seem to have
the power to warm the heart,
so I try to draw them often.

He was also painting landscapes
with an abstract feel.
We wonder how you came to draw
this work and what the meaning
of the work is.

A8. @yihyunyi
I would say you I get stuck in
the frame of the composition.
It seems that there is a limit to
the picture by drawing only a side.

Sometimes, I dare to challenge
myself to approach a completely
different world. Abstract painting
is a very difficult work for me.
Still, I'm thinking of drawing more

I think it's okay if I'm not good at
drawing the picture on the right,
which I drew while looking at
a corner of a coffee shop
on an autumn day.
Maybe it's just my opinion.

It seems that you travel a lot
when you look at the works of
various places.
We wonder the impressive places are
in your memory.

Also, We wonder if there is a place
you would like to visit
in the future and leave a picture.

A9. @yihyunyi
People seem to be looking for
beautiful and cool places,
but I try to find them around me.

Recalling my past experiences of
traveling to Korean villages and
villages, this time I want to travel
while sketching and drawing.

And a little bit of a strange
painting is a transformation of
my past experiences of traveling
abroad or a beautiful Western house
that I happened to see with
my memory and short abilities.

I want to travel back to Nepal,
which I visited 20 years ago.
I would love to go back and
try to sketch and draw.

Last question.
Please tell us
improvements or comments
you want to share with us
while using PENUP.

A10. @yihyunyi
Thank you for reading
my rough writing without

Everyone be healthy.
And we see each other often!

How was the interview with

William Turner is said to
have tried to capture his emotions
in his works, personally visiting
the mountains from the winter
blizzards to the stormy seas.

The artist was also showing us
the appearance of nature that
he felt and the beautiful colors
contained in it by capturing
images of many places.

For those of you who are reading
this, how about going outside and
experiencing nature and drawing

It will be fun to see the nature
changing according to the weather
you like and transfer it into
a picture.

I hope that PENUP will be full of
beautiful natural scenery
with everyone's work.

Thank you.

Fun, Express, Share!

PENUP - Share your drawings!
-The PENUP Team