2022-06-29. AM 02:06
[Challenge] 2022. July : Let's draw Garden

There are many different gardens
in the world.

There are natural gardens created
by nature, and artificial gardens
created by beautifully arranging
trees and flowers.

We decorate beautiful gardens with
buildings such as pavilions or palaces
as the background, and we also
create exotic gardens centered
on botanical gardens and galleries.

It is said that there are gardens
that use densely growing trees
to create maze gardens,
or use stones or sand without plants.

The topic for the 1st challenge
of July is
'Garden' a place where beautiful
flowers and trees make harmony in.

Flower Garden / @Aspin
Monet' Weeping Willow / @One2three

It is said that the garden started
with planting fruit trees.
The origin is that trees were
cultivated in a specific place
due to the influence of floods and
other factors.

It is said that it has been
developed even more from the fact
that ponds were equipped to supply
water, temples appeared in medieval
Europe, and vegetables were grown as
a means of living.

Since then, it has been created for
showing-off for wealth and power by
wealthy people, and has become
a splendid general art venue where
everything from plants to artworks
is used.

garden / @FatemaMusharrof
Garden door / @Freya

The garden is said to be slightly
different in each region.

In the case of Asia,
Nature was expressed with minimal
deformation, by contrast, in Europe,
there were well arranged gardens
made by introducing geometric

In addition, it is said that it
plays an important role in the study
of history, as trends change
according to period, allowing you to
learn about architecture and
cultural styles.

it would be fun to draw a picture
of a garden you can meet around you.

Summer Garden / @SPR
The ancient bridge / @Supr_art

Among the famous gardens,
the Hanging Garden, Ancient Babylon
is said to be one of the wonders of
the world.

It is said that it was called
the Hanging Garden because it was
built in a high place like
the garden on the roof of
a high-rise building that has
been seen a lot recently.

At that time, it was very difficult
to create a garden by pumping water
into a high-rise building
so there are various imaginations
that mysterious forces were applied
from many people even to this day.

What kind of garden are you
thinking of right now?

From real to imaginary gardens,
to the gardens you want to create
by yourself,
try the challenge with a variety
of appearances.

This will be proceeded for 15 days.
from July. 1(Fri) to July. 15(Fri).

We look forward to your
participation and amazing works!

Thank you.

Fun, Express, Share!

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