2022-05-12. AM 01:45
[Review] Challenge of April (1)

'Grape', a fruit that delights
the palate with its sweet & sour was
the second challenge topic in April.

we are introducing the winners of
this challenge

Please watch a video below.

* If you can’t see the video,
please check the link below.
Go to the epilogue of
the 2nd challenge of April

We could see various artworks with
grapes throughout this challenge.

We could see various landscapes
where grapes grow or the delicious
food made by them.
Also, we could see the symbols and
imaginations from grapes in
this entertaining time.

Thank you all who participated in
the challenge with your great works.

Now, shall we meet the winners
of the challenge?

"At sunset" / @Yana
Vineyard at Sunset / @HTH

The sun is setting the sunset over
the mountains.
Ripe green grapes are lit by the sun
creating beautiful colors like gold.
Numerous grains hanging down seem
to fill someone's happiness with
the taste of sunlight.
It’s presented by @Yana.

The carriage which seems to be
heading home at sunset is loaded
with baskets of harvested grapes.
A young child sitting in the back
of the carriage is enjoying
a delicious meal with a bunch of
grapes on his lap.
The grandpa looking back with
a happy expression seems to be
asking if the grapes are ripe.
It’s presented by @HTH.

Zinfandel Vinyards / @Branka
(Untitled) / @Maria

In the wide field in front of
the house, vines are growing in rows
and purple fruits are everywhere
as if the harvest season
is approaching.
After a cloudy day, the sun
is pouring through the clouds
from the distant mountains.
It seems that soon someone will
come out of the house to harvest
ripe grapes.
It’s presented by @Branka.

The grapes seem to be ripening
for a long time now.
The colors of the ripening grapes
from yellow to green, from red to
purple are contained
in a single bunch.
Seeing the other grapes dyed in dark
purple around them,
it seems that the time to enjoy
grapes is approaching.
It’s presented by @Maria.

Tobogán de uvas / @Andrea

The hand of a child in pajamas holds
a purple jam with his fingertips.
Looking at the child is gently
reaching out his hand, he is
probably secretly tasting grape jam.
He probably missed the graph placed
by it.
Because of the sweet scent created
by grapes and sugar.
It’s presented by @Dr.Gazi.

The grapes are descending like
a slide down the tall vines.
From a big smile to a surprise or
shouting, and even jumping
vigorously, it is a very exciting
Looking at the other vines that
stretched out around it,
the exciting games of the grapes
will go on for a while.
It’s presented by @Andrea.

grape illustration~~↓↓/ @kwonjossi
(Untitled) / @vlad

The dark purple grapes called
Campbell grapes are full of
lusciously ripe kernels.
The dazzling lines adorning
the periphery of the grapes seem to
express the various flavors
the grapes will create in your
mouth with color.
It reminds us of the familiar taste
of grapes and makes us want to taste
them right now.
It’s presented by @kwonjossi.

There are various kinds of grapes
from blue grapes to red and
purple grapes and a bottle decorated
with gold is placed.
The grapes look like a fountain
gushing out over the spout of
the bottle, making it feel like
a mysterious tool for making grapes.
we wonder what you will imagine with
these artworks.
It’s presented by @vlad.

(Untitled) / @SamirP

The blue and purple grapes look like
freshly harvested grapes with
hanging leaves and
slightly dry branches.
However, due to the transparent and
shiny light like the glass bottle
behind it, it appears to be
a fake grape made of glass.
If you get closer and smell
the scent, we can figure out
the authenticity.
It’s presented by @SamirP.

Red Grapes / @R.A.A

Red and purple hues evoke the aroma
of deliciously ripe grapes.
The fresh green branches and leaves
show the freshness of the freshly
harvested grapes.
Purple is said to symbolize nobility
and splendor.
Looking at the purple color of
the grapes in the work, it should
add the meaning of deliciousness.
It’s presented by @R.A.A.

These are the 10 winners.

@ Yana
@ kwonjossi
@ vlad
@ Dr.Gazi
@ Andrea
@ Branka
@ Maria
@ SamirP
@ R.A.A

Thank you to everyone
who participated in this challenge.

Please send your encouragement and
congrats to these 10 people in the

The 1st challenge of May,
‘Let’s draw Sofa’
is on going.
We hope for your participation.

Thank you.

Fun, Express, Share!

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-The PENUP Team