2022-01-13. AM 02:00
[Challenge] 2022. January : Let's draw Text

We are living,
reading and writing
various texts everyday.

We open up PENUP
to check new announcements
and read the comments friends
left on our Fanbook and
reply to them.

We get to know events
or information around us
through texts in news and internet
as well as reading books
to meet new stories.

We study or work via texts
and write our emotions that
are hard to be expressed in speaking
to be delivered via letter or mail
while spending our everyday life.

The second topic’s
challenge of January
is 'Text' that we deliver
our emotions and feelings.

수고했어 오늘도 / @usk_keesunge
enjoy the moment / @nica

Until the birth of the article,
People delivered information

But words delivered by
the mouths of people,
they changed or only limited
partial information
were delivered by speech.

When the letters are born,
people could write accurate content
that can be saved for a long time
and delivered to a long distance
which made mankind able to achieve
the present development.

딸기케이크 / @god.soone
(Untitled) / @les

Calligraphy is a way to
turn text into a work of art.

Calligraphy is derived
from the Greek word
for beautiful typeface.
It means the beauty of
handwritten characters
instead of mechanical ones.

At one time,
it was pushed away by typewriters,
computers, etc.
but it is loved by many people
with unique individual handwriting
at present.

It will be fun to make your
own calligraphy
by using your favorite texts
and drawings.

Happy Choosuk! / @BacGyver
Stars in the Darkness
/ @lexilovedove.

Texts and drawings are closely
related to each other.

The first means of communication
for mankind as the beginning
with pictograms,
they have been developed
and complemented by illustration
that makes easier understanding
on literature or study of color
that affected the history of arts.

Now they are more closely
used in media that are newly
introduced everyday.

What texts do you have
in your mind now?

Join the challenge by drawings
related to favorte texts
such as calligraphy
and illustrations!

This will be proceeded for 16 days.
from Jan. 16(Sun) to Jan. 31(Mon).

We look forward to your
participation and amazing works!

Thank you.

Fun, Express, Share!

PENUP - Share your drawings!
-The PENUP Team