2021-10-20. AM 01:49
[Interview] HOF October 2021 @liya

* If you can’t see the video,
please check the link below.
Go watch now a video of
'October HOF @liya'

A British painter William Morris
tried to solve social issues
through arts.

He believed that the value of arts
created and consumed meaninglessly
in the industrial revolution area
should aim to increase the life of
people and quality of their lives.
So he kept his value in various
fields with an interest in various
daily arts aside from paintings.

From furniture, construction to
wallpaper, etc., He grafted arts
into various parts in daily life
to be called as the father of
modern design.

@liya, the artist who was selected
for the Hall of Fame in October
makes sensible designs in her draw-
ing and is showing various attracti-
veness of arts to us.

The artist presents beautiful
designs in her works.

She draws a sketch and colors a
living place and expresses the
unique attraction of the place.

Together with clothes and hairstyles
the works with various designs made
us think daily arts hidden in tiny
elements from her works.

We want to know how these artworks
were created and what emotions were
included in them.

Now, shall we start the interview
with the artist?

Hello Artist, We’re the operations

Firstly, congratulations on your
selection for the Hall of Fame in

Please briefly introduce yourself
and tell us how you feel.

A1. @liya
Hi! Thank you, it's very nice.
My name is Leah, I live in Israel.
I've been drawing since I learned
to hold a pencil.

You uploaded your first artwork in
February 2020.

Since then, you’ve been uploading
your works constantly. We want to
know how you got to know PENUP and
started uploading your works.

A2. @liya
My husband gave me a Samsung note 10
lite for my birthday (before that I
had a note 5 and note 2), In addition
to quick notes, there was already a
drawing application in the phone.

PENUP app. I started exploring it,
I found it simple and easy to use.
I also have three small children,
and it is not possible to draw on
a computer or tablet at any time.

And everything is very simple with
the phone, I took it out and started

It was impressive to see various
spaces and designs from your works.

We want to know what devices and
apps are used to create these works.

A3. @liya
All the works were drawn in PENUP,
with the addition of the layers
function in this program, this
became possible.

We had an idea that you might be
working in the related field by
looking at various designs from
your works.

We want to know if your works are
related to your job or how you
decided to draw these works.

A4. @liya
We were moving to another flat and
it was necessary to make a small
repair, I drew my first sketches
in PENUP and I enjoyed drawing the
interior (the sketches of my flat
are not in the albums, I haven't
published them).

I started to get interested in the
subject of interior visualisation,
so now I work as a visualizer.

Because PENUP is not designed for
professional drawing as it does not
have a large number of tools, I have
had to learn another program that
allows me to provide good quality

We saw your works with designs for
clothes as well.

We want to know how you got to draw
these works and what clothes you
wanted to express.

A5. @liya
One of my education is fashion
design, so the first thing I did,
ofcourse, was draw fashion sketches.

There are sketches of famous brands
as well as my own.

There were faces of various women
as well.

We want to know your intention in
showing various hairstyles, acces-
sories, etc.

Also, we want to know why you draw
these faces.

A6. @liya
Don't get me wrong, hahaha, but
I love depicting female beauty.

I used to draw female portraits
before using the PENUP program.
I just like to draw.

You were expressing various spaces
including rooms in your works.

We want to know why you’re drawing
such spaces.

A7. @liya
As I mentioned above, I liked to
paint the interior and for a while
I took part in inexpensive projects
for the design of rooms for teen-
agers to perfect my line.

We want to know if these places with
the interiors are real or you are
drawing imaginary places.

If they are imaginary places, we
want to know what you imagine to
draw these places.

A8. @liya
At first I made small parts of the
rooms that I designed myself, pro-
bably that's how I designed the
whole space... and then, as I wrote
above, I started working with real
rooms of teenagers.

Your subject is changing on a
regular basis. You are uploading
interiors recently.

We want to know if you have any work
plans further.

Also, we want to know if you have a
topic that you want to draw in the

A9. @liya
At the moment I like painting
interiors. I'm very spontaneous,
I can sometimes give out something
unrelated stuff to the overall
theme unexpectedly.

But I can't say exactly when it will
be or if I'll be able to do it, at

Last question.

Please tell us what we can improve
for your PENUP life or anything you
want to tell us.

A10. @liya
It would be nice to add a selection
function to increase and transfer
the selected area, if possible...
I've been thinking about this since
the very beginning of working with
this program...it's great that I had
the chance to ask for it directly)

And it would be really cool if you
added perspective, as in the procre-
ate or infinity painter programs!
But this is probably too much, hahah,
but without the selection function,
in fact, it's hard to work)

Thank you again for your app, it has
made an invaluable contribution to
my portfolio, I am pleased that my
work was chosen for HOF, it is very

How was the interview with @liya?

William Morris made a huge progress
particularly in construction and
interior accessories.

He never built a building himself
but made a great effect on cons-
truction history as he greatly
inspired a lot of people.

Also our artist is making us recall
various emotions and the hopes for
better life through her works with
various designs.

Why don’t you find the hints of
arts from the things you may easily
pass by?

It would be great to find things
that are designed for comfortable
and enjoyable use and draw them with
creative emotions and imaginations.

We hope PENUP can make our lives
happier with everyone’s work.

Thank you.

Fun, Express, Share!

PENUP - Share your drawings!
-The PENUP Team