2021-06-11. AM 02:06
[Review] Challenge of May (2)

‘Castle’ is a building with high
walls for defense and the topic of
this challenge.

We are introducing the winners of
this challenge through a video.

* If you can’t see the video,
please check the link below.
Go to the epilogue of
the Second challenge of May

From the appearance of the actual
castle, through works that contain
castles that appear in stories or
imaginations. We could feel like
traveling places in the world and
imagine various stories as an
enjoyable moment.

Thank you all who participated
in the challenge with great works.
Now, shall we meet the winners
of this challenge?

Castle Eltz Germany / @sam
That Castle in the Sea / @sina5an

On a night where the big moon shines,
there is a beautiful castle with a
high spire at the end of the road
through the forest. The trees shines
in the moonlight and the castle
spires even in the dark night. It
seems to be creating a mysterious
landscape with the twinkling light.
Beautiful night view of Eltz Castle
in Germany.
It’s presented by @sam.

A brown castle is located on an
island in the sea, where the waves
are gentle. During the day, the high
observatory provides a place to look
at the blue sky and the distant sea
and the spire that radiates bright
light would be a lighthouse that
would guide us on a safe path in
the dark night. It makes us want
to visit the castle and enjoy the
wonderful sea.
It’s presented by @sina5an.

♧/ @route_12
☆WIZARD CASTLE☆ / @z3dmax

The underwater castle seems to have
a roof decorated with glass and
jewels and the windows reflect the
people who live there. It seems that
a traveler in a cloak came to the
front of the castle gate. The woman
in the rabbit headband outside the
glass is mesmerized by the mystery,
and trying to touch a magically
sparkling bubble with her fingers.
Beautiful scenery in a fishbowl,
it’s presented by @route_12.

The magic that stretched out from
the wizard's wand illuminates the
castle and its surroundings made a
rainbow in the dark sky. A beam of
light extending into the castle
seems to be opening the entrance for
the wizard to enter. We want to see
what kind of magic will be unfolding
inside the wizard's castle.
It’s presented by @z3dmax.

무너져도 기어이 꽃을 피울
우리 마음속 궁전. / @W00woong
Drongo and the castle / @Goldie

The palace in the shape of a lotus
flower floating in the sky full of
clouds seems to be falling down
slowly. A woman in dress seems to
feel bad about it and tries to reach
her hand to catch the pieces of
falling down. Like the title of ‘The
palace in our hearts that will bloom
even if it collapses’, we hope the
beautiful flowers bloom again.
It’s presented by @W00woong.

A black bird is watching the castle
and the scenery on the water that
can be reached by crossing the
bridge. Old-looking castle walls,
pointed roofs, and watchtowers
creates a variety of colors with
the sunlight that changes the
surroundings. It contains the castle
and the surrounding landscape at
sunset created by dots and lines.
It’s presented by @Goldie.

Blue Castle / @Diana
Castle in Cazin, Bosnia&Herzegovina
/ @SamirP

The castle seen through the trees
has a wall decorated with a unique
pattern, and the beautiful roof
that continues above it boast an
attractive appearance. A lake full
of flowers around it and a view in
the distance and the waterfall flow-
-ing from the mountains seem to make
the scenery of this place fantastic.
Reminds us of a scene from a fairy
tale, It’s presented by @Diana.

The walls are full of thick vines
that seem to pour like a waterfall,
including a tall watchtower of a
different shape from other castles,
There is a tall tree stands a red-
-roofed building next to it and
suggests a long history of the
castle. In fact, this castle was
built in the 13th century and named
Ostrozak, the castle is said to have
a very long history. It is said to
be a beautiful place with beautiful
sculptures in the inner garden.
It’s presented by @SamirP.

c4 / @alessia
sky castle / @Iness_j.y_park

The appearance of a castle full of
rough lines and high buildings in a
landscape in spread paint, it feels
like we are in a fairy tale though
it exists in real. The thick green
forest that seems to fill the front
of it seems to heighten the sense of
mystery even more. It contains the
image of Neuschwanstein Castle,
that’s known to be beautiful from
the inside to the surrounding
scenery. It’s presented by @alessia.

A woman in a beautiful dress is
heading towards the castle at the
end of the road leading from the
hill. The castle seems to built by
gold is shining by reflecting the
sunlight, and the blue light from
the spire makes the blue sky beauti-
-fully. We would find the secret of
the mystery castle floating in the
sky if we followed her.
It’s presented by @Iness_j.y_park.

These are the 10 winners.


Thank you to everyone
who participated in this challenge.

Please send your encouragement and
congrats to these 10 people in the

The First challenge of June,
‘Let’s draw Duck’ is on going.
We hope for your participation.

Thank you.

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