2021-02-25. AM 02:51
[Challenge] 2021. March : Let's draw Pink

Pink, a mixture of red passion
and white warmth,
is the color we can easily see
around us.

it can be found from trees
or flowers in spring
to the objects around us
such as toys, smiles, cosmetics.

A dessert full of sweetness
As the color of
the interior accessories
It is widely used.

The topic of first challenge
in March is ‘Pink’,
a beautiful color embracing warmth
and love.

Play with yarn / @greeda
bird and blossom / @jinjie

Currently, pink is recognized as
a symbol of women.

However, in the Middle Ages, boys
were said to be dressed in pink.

Even in the East at a similar time,
pink was a favorite color of men
with high status.

From the time of mass production
of cosmetics with extensive use
of pink color,
it has become a symbol of women
from a theory.

a special ride... / @aristina.z
JussMeAndYou#2 / @vuckethead

Pink has the effect
of reducing violence and
providing a sense of stability,
So there are also many
interesting examples of using this.

One prison painted
the room pink and
It helped to edify criminals.

American football,
a popular sport
in the United States,
painted the opposing team's
locker room in pink
and made the home team play
an advantage.

In addition,
it helps breathing comfortably,
Because it is a color that
helps provide blood to the brain
and commonly used in the interior.

The pink room / @hosio
flower field / @FatemaMusharrof

Pink also has the effect of
creating a warm and
bright atmosphere
so it is also widely used as
a color expressing
the sweetness of love.

What do you think of the pink image?

From various things in pink
to your own thoughts,
Please express the pink color
you imagine through the challenge.

I hope the challenge will be
full of excitement
with the pink color of spring.

This challenge will be proceeded
for 15 days
from March. 1(Mon) to
March. 15(Mon).

We look forward
to your participation
and amazing works!

Thank you.

Fun, Express, Share!

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-The PENUP Team