2021-02-19. AM 01:58
[Interview] HOF February 2021 @DuyDigi

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please check the link below.
Go watch now a video of
'February HOF @DuyDigi'

A French painter, Eugine Boudin was
called as ‘the king of description
of the sky’ because of his realistic
description of the sky.

He thought that the changing moment
of the sun, clouds and atmosphere in
his paintings and observed and drew
them in his works that have been
loved so much as he got a medal
from it.

@DuyDigi, the selected artist for
the Hall of Fame in February,
had the landscape of splendid nature
by light and presented them to us.

Full of beautiful landscapes
by light are in the artist’s works.

There are shiny skies in different
places and the appearance of nature
beneath the sky are expressed.

It shows various colors by light
together with them that are
presenting colorful and mysterious
looks of nature.

We should ask the artist what
was the motivation to draw this
beautiful landscape and what
the meanings of the artworks are.

Let’s begin the interview!

Hello @DuyDigi,
we are the operations of PENUP.

Congratulations for being selected
in the Hall of Fame in February.
Please introduce yourself
and tell us how you feel.

A1. @DuyDigi
Hello Operation Department of PENUP.
I would like to thank everyone
in PENUP's Operation Department
because of voting my paintings.
My name is Dang Thanh Duy,
currently a student, I am 25 years
old and come from Vietnam.

Regarding my feelings of being
at the top of this Hall of Fame
in February, I really feel
very pleased and happy to get it.

This is like a dream result for me.
Until now, I still cannot believe
what I have received.

Thank you so much again!

Your first work was uploaded
in March 2018. Since then,
you’ve been constantly uploading
your works. We want to ask how you
found PENUP at first and started
uploading your works.

A2. @DuyDigi
I know PENUP through a smartphone
that I bought a few years ago.
My original reason when deciding
to put these works on was just
because I wanted to exchange
and learn from other painters.

You express nature so beautifully.
What device and apps do you use
for your works?

A3. @DuyDigi
The device I'm using to create these
works is Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

You upload various artworks.
It was impressive with the artworks
with the beauty of nature.

What was your motivation to start
drawing the looks of nature?

A4. @DuyDigi
The reason I bring natural
landscapes into each work is
because it can convey the messages,
emotions and meanings that I want
to convey to everyone through
the works in the most peaceful way.

You have natural objects including
trees, expression of light and the
sky and beautiful changes of colors
in your works.

What is your focused expression
in drawing?

A5. @DuyDigi
When I start to put brushes,
there are two elements that
I always have to focus on to
complete the perfect work,
both emotionally and perceptively,
are colors and context.

We could see animals in your works
such as cats and deer.

In Particular, there are many works
with a sitting cat.

What do the animals mean
in your works?

A6. @DuyDigi
Their purpose is to add emphasis
and vividness to the works.

On the other hand, I use images of
animals as a substitute for
someone's position in the context
of each picture that I want to show.

We could see telephone poles
and the surrounding landscapes
in your works. We wonder if they
exist in real life.

Also, we want to know how you
started drawing these works.

A7. @DuyDigi
In this regard, it may not be real
places, mostly from my imagination.

The reason that I put up these works
is just to exchange and learn a few
more experiences with other artists
on this topic.

There are artworks with series of
works with difference in place or
the ones we can see the expressions
through windows.

How did you start drawing them and
what meaning do you want to deliver?

A8. @DuyDigi
The inspiration for me to draw
these pictures is based on my
emotions and feelings towards
what is happening every day
in this life.

We could see the universe
in some of the works.
Do you remember how you
started drawing them?

And we want to know if you
have any topics to challenge
in the future.

A9. @DuyDigi
To talk about what kind of
inspiration motivated me to draw
these pictures, perhaps it comes
from my love of the stars and the
great universe since I was a boy of
5 years old until now.

I always want to draw what I
envision the universe out there
in the most honest way.

It is our last question.

please tell us any improvements or
messages you want to share to PENUP.

A10. @DuyDigi
Until now, I am still very satisfied
with what the PENUP platform offers,
but if possible, I hope to add other
painting aids soon, such as brushes
for creating abstract paintings.

And finally, what I want to tell
everyone is that I'm really happy
and grateful for helping me have
such a great thing.
Have a nice day!

How was the interview with @DuyDigi?

Eugine Boudin recommended
the caricature painter Monet to draw
landscapes and taught him many
techniques as a mentor.

The artist also has suggested
another way of landscape
by the nature changed by light.

Everyone, why don’t we give a new
inspiration to someone with our
creative works?

If we share know how was
and opinions, we would make other
good artworks.

We hope the works in PENUP can
connect everyone from each other.

Thank you.

Fun, Express, Share!

PENUP - Share your drawings!
-The PENUP Team