The development of printing
technology made it much easier for
people to get their hands on books.
Printing technology also helped
people enjoy black and white
or low-quality paintings
as vivid and vibrant
as their original renderings.
And that started a massive surge
in the popularity of paintings
and pictures depicting worlds built
within novels and stories.
These illustrations continued
to develop over the years.
Now, some of them have transcended
the boundaries of their literary
source to become a free-standing,
independent form of art beloved
by people all over the world
for the power they have in terms of
stirring up people’s imagination.
For the month of October,
PENUP has decided to induct
user @ea_stasy into
the Hall of Fame.
@ea_stasy’s draws beautiful pieces
of art that look like snapshots of
heaven or an unknown fantasy world.
In fact, her work often reminds you
of a quote from the father of
the fantasy genre, J. R. R. Tolkien.
Tolkien once said,
“Fantasy is an extreme distortion
of reality’.”
The mix of fantasy elements and scenes
from real life can make you wonder
whether a particular painting is
based on some place real
or some place completely imagined.
That is perhaps why each of @ea_stasy’s work looks like
they’re telling a different story.
She uses her delicate touch
and beautiful colors to depict
each specific scene, delivering
a realistic rendering or, at times,
a more dreamy illustration
that gives off a hazy feeling.
Either way, you will find yourself
getting sucked into her work
as if they were wormholes.
Sometimes, @ea_stasy draws vast and mysterious
natural landscapes with little
easter eggs hidden away in places.
Those drawings might bring back
the excitement you felt
as a child going on a treasure hunt.
So, head over to @ea_stasy’s feed,
and dive into her beautiful
fantasy world.
Also, don’t forget to stop by
on the PENBOOK to congratulate her
on her HOF induction, and make sure
to press that “like” button.
And please keep an eye out
for our interview with @ea_stasy,
which will be uploaded very soon.