2020-08-06. AM 03:26
[Notice] PENUP update Ver 3.5.3

Hello. PENPLE's!

PENUP has been updated
to version 3.5.3.

So today, we’d like to go over
things that have been added
or changed in PENUP version 3.5.3.

First, the “Artwork Uploaded”
notification has been removed.

Recently, application and software
providers are looking to reduce
the number of notifications
they send to their users to provide
a more comfortable user experience.

That’s why PENUP decided
to remove all of its
“Artwork Uploaded” notifications.

In previous versions,
the PENUP app sent
an “Artwork Uploaded” notification
displayed on the notification bar
at the top of your device.

In this latest version,
it won’t display anymore.
So don’t be alarmed
or concerned when you realize
you didn’t receive a notification.

To check your uploaded files,
you can go to your profile
and see which files have been
uploaded successfully.

Second, the Dark Mode
has been improved.

Many of our PENPLE users
love using the app in Dark Mode.
A lot you have left great reviews
about the Dark Mode.

So, we’ve added some elements
from the Dark Mode to the landing
page (PENUP introduction page),
which new users see when they access
the PENUP app for the first time.

Now, everyone can enjoy
the PENUP app more comfortably
with the improved Dark Mode.

We’ve also fixed a few bugs
in the app with this latest update.

Moving forward,
the PENUP management team promises
to do its very best
in helping our users have
a great experience
with PENUP at all times.

Thank you.

Fun, Express, Share!

PENUP - Share your drawings!
-The PENUP Team