2020-05-28. AM 07:39
[Review] Challenge of May (1)


The first topic for the challenge
of May was the place
for oneself ‘My home’.

We are introducing the winners
of the challenge with a video.

* If you can’t see the video,
please check the link below.
Go to the epilogue of
the first challenge of May

Many of you participated
with your works for this challenge
and we could see different styles
of homes.

It was a time
to recall the meaning of home
because we had various thoughts
for our homes such as our dreams,
hopes and coziness.

Thank you all who participated
in this challenge.

Now, why don’t we meet the winners
of this challenge?

My dream home / @Tuyet
My dream home / @HwaHwa

It looks like the garden
with full of flowers has not been
finished its decoration,
a lot of unplanted flowers
still left on the wood cart.
The cozy-looking chair and books are
in the light blue house.
Once all flowers are planted,
the owner of the house would sit
on the chair in the room
and read a book
with a satisfying smile.
It’s presented by @Tuyet.

The house with the white wall
and red roof is located
at the lakeside.
The thick forest with full of trees
and lakeside would be
a beautiful frame and a playground.
It seems the night is coming,
the clouds get darker
and the moon and stars are shining.
We wonder how the house would look
with the lights in the dark night.
It’s presented by @HwaHwa.

home challenge cat house treehouse
/ @Andrea
My Dream Home / @Tinu_singh

If there is a dream house of cats,
this should be it.
Customized rooms at every crack
of the tree and an impressive house
with a heart-shaped door is built
at where the branches are
stretching out.
The branches are full
of favorite rides of the cats,
the cats look so excited for sure.
It’s presented by @Andrea.

The second floor with full
of lamps to light up at dark night,
with the terrace as the roof
ot the first floor
where the trees are growing at
and the ground floor with two exits.
This wide house is very impressive.
We wonder who lives
in this kind of house.
I guess it would be the man
looking outside of the window by it.
It’s presented by @Tinu_singh.

Maison de village, France / @GAOER
Courtyard /@Lockandkey

Over the branches on blooming purple
and colorful flowers,
there is an old, quiet
and still alley
and at the end of it,
there is a path connected
to another place.
The cat standing in front
of the alley seems
to find her way home.
It’s presented by @GAOER.

Houses are built
in various appearances
and by personal interest
in the present.
The house in this work reflects
that very well.
THe pillar, the gray building
as being used the space
in the ground floor
and the one painted
in pink makes it unique.
We see the looming inside
and wish to enter the house.
It’s presented by @Lockandkey.

Stay home, stay safe. / @Agnes
my Home / @_amrita.banik_

What landscape do you see
when you open the window?
The a very fantastic landscape
that she faces after opening
the window is made by the moon
peeping between clouds
and the beautiful blue lake.
The woman is so attracted
in such beautiful landscape,
losing herself but staring at it.
It’s presented by @Agnes.

It rains outside the window,
the raindrops are on the window.
She can’t go outside, instead,
is sitting by the wide window
with blue curtains to read a book
and enjoying a warm cup of tea
while the rain is being played
as her music.
It would be great for you
to enjoy your own space like her
on a rainy day.
It’s presented by @_amrita.banik_.

Small House! / @Prashant
♡Life♡ / @meysam

There is a tiny wood house
built at the lakeside.
The yellow light coming
between trees from far away,
it’s not certain if the morning
or night is coming,
but the warmth around the house
can be felt.
It makes us wonder who lives
in this house or for what reason
this house is built.
It’s presented by @Prashant.

The shiny sunlight comes
into the window
where a tiny flower pot is at.
The colored window tells
the weather outside of it,
it makes blue and yellow light.
Even though the windows shines
so bright as this,
the house looks dark and seems
to feel like the situation nowadays
that we can’t go out.
We hope soon everyone
can go outside the window.
It’s presented by @meysam.

These are the 10 winners.


Thank you to everyone
who participated in this challenge.

Please send your encouragement
and congrats to these
10 people in the comments.

The Second challenge of May,
‘Let’s draw Butterfly’is on going.
We hope for your
active participation.

Thank you.

Fun, Express, Share!

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-The PENUP Team