2020-04-27. AM 03:08
[Review] Challenge of April (1)

The topic of challenge
for the beginning of April
was ‘River’, the beginning
of the human civilization.

First of all, meet the winners
of the challenge through the video!

* If you can’t see the video,
please check the link below.
Go to the epilogue of
the first challenge of April

Introduced from the challenge feeds,
various rivers in the world,
memories and imaginative rivers
in various landscapes gave us
a relief at the moment
we can’t go on a trip.

Thank you all for participating
in the challenge with beautiful

Now, why don’t we meet the winners
of the challenge?

Amazon River / @Sina
(Untitled) / @les

Like trees and grasses gather
to form a forest, tiny green dots
gathered to form a jungle.
And then, following
the curvy waterway,
a river colored by the sky
nd grass unhurriedly flows.
The longest river
and the biggest forest
in the world expressed by dots,
it’s presented by @Sina.

Small trees settled around
the river are shining
under brilliant sunshine
and the light blue-green river
strongly flows over the rocks.
It’s like I can hear the trees
and strongly flowing river
with my attention.
It’s presented by @les.

The River / @Van_Lee
River in Motion / @Mahwish

The blue river bloomed
a wet fog with the chill
and flows down the valley
while being changed in color.
The river made by melted snow
causes various changes in color.
From the straight
and blue needleleaf trees
on the upstream
to the broadleaf tree
with beautiful leaves and flowers
on the downstream,
The temperature chaneg is
beautifully expressed in colors.
I guess the beauty is the landscape
made by the mountain from the far.
It’s presented by @Van_Lee.

The river flows down the bank
at the walk under the mountain.
It looks like it just rained,
the murky water is fiercely
flowing down.
Like it’s pushed away
by the fiercely flowing river,
there are small and big stones
by the stairs securing flood
and keeping the walk safe.
I am so curious about
the landscape here before the change
by the river.
It’s presented by @Mahwish.

Spring / @TammyShannon
calm river / @leandrotoffano

The river is dyed warm colors
by the yellow sunshine
and the trees around it are full
of green leaves.
The grasses around the river bloom
the flowers of beautiful colors
by the gentle sunlight.
The landscape of the river
in spring after the winter,
it’s presented by @TammyShannon.

At the forest of dense grasses
and trees with no gap for wind,
The river flows gently
with no big shake.
The brilliant sunshine lighting up
the surroundings from the river
through tiny gaps among the trees
goes together with the deep forest
and makes it mystique.
The quietly flowing river
in a deep forest,
it’s presented by @leandrotoffano.

Peaceful / @hoipeng
silence river / @Dexter

A cockboat tied
to the wood is here.
The scatters of the shadow
of the boat reflected on the river
and the wavy river makes it
a peaceful landscape
with a gentle breeze.
The tiny boat is fully loaded up
and ijs about to go.
Where is it going?
and what is loaded?
It’s presented by @hoipeng.

Before the sun rises,
the early morning of the blue forest
has full of dry branches
as the spring hasn’t arrived yet
and the frost cold river
is flowing from the gaps
among the stones.
What are the big rabbit
and small rabbit talking about
by facing each other
this early morning?
It’s presented by @Dexter.

Village by a River / @missdarrian
Looking Through Railings / @Peter

The bridge is standing
on the great river under the hill
that connects two separate places
the red-roofed buildings get
in harmony with the blue river
to make it more like
the lonesome mood in the village
by a river.
Who is living in
this beautiful village?
I wish I can go for sure.
It’s presented by @missdarrian.

It’s full of the landscape
of the river and its surroundings
between guardrails.
The far arc bridge, buildings
and street trees look like
a landscape outside the window
or a drawing in frame.
I wonder what other landscapes are
filling another gap of the guardrails.
It’s presented by @Peter.

These are the 10 winners.


Thank you to everyone
who participated in
this challenge.

Please send your encouragement
and congrats to these
10 people in the comments.

The Second challenge of April,
‘Let’s draw Bicycle’is on going.
We hope for your
active participation.

Thank you.

Fun, Express, Share!

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-The PENUP Team