2020-04-13. AM 05:03
[Challenge] 2020. April : Let's draw Bicycle

What is the bicycle
that you imagine?

It runs for exercise,
travels to work or school
and speeds in the downtown.

It has a basket to buy things
or moves together with luggage
and bags for travel.

It becomes a shape of animal
for the children’s game
or working out equipment
to help lack of exercise.

The topic of this challenge
is ‘Bicycle’ , a vehicle runs
by the power generated by men.

* If you can't see the video,
please check the link below.
Click to see 'Let's draw Bicycle'

my bicycle / @LeDung
Bicycle flowerpot stand / @Nahandove

The first bicycle didn’t have
a pedal, so the rider pushed
the ground with his feet
to go forward.

It was such a toy for adults
which was inspired
by children’s toys.

Then the steering wheel was
developed, pedals was developed
to leave the feet from the ground
and it was accepted as a means
of transportation.

To speed up, a bicycle
with big front wheel was developed,
but due to it’s low stability,
it’s been through inventions
and evolutions and had gears,
chains and rubber wheels
which were considered
the most efficient
as the bicycle of nowadays.

Bike / @DanielFS
RideOnTime / @SamTaqvi

Bicycles are being developed
by personal preference nowadays.

The ones easily found around us,
cycles with thin wheels
to run fast or mountain bicycles
with wide wheels and strong bodies.

Velomobiles that can run at 140km/h
with a unique shape
or bicycles to ride on lying
or a unicycle.

And there are bicycles with pedals
for two or more riders
and a carriage-shaped bicycle
for multiple riders
to enjoy their food.

the bicycle / @jinjie
Bicycle / @eunkyung

Even though new means
of transportation are being
developed, the reason why
bicycles are being developed
in various ways is because
they can run by human
without any fuels for a fast
and long trip.

they do not bring as much
pressure as walking or running,
so they are widely being used
for exercise and traveling
as a means of transportation.

Bicycle travel can make you feel
the landscape of the nature
and cities, and also be helpful
in building confidence
and independence since it’s running
by one’s own strength.

To deal with changes and situations
in natural environment,
it is great to develop a challenge
and adventure spirit.
What bicycle do you want to ride?
And where do you want to go on it?

Please draw the bicycle you recalled
and challenge this time.

This challenge will be proceeded
for 15 days
from Apr. 15(Thu) to Apr. 30(Thu).

We look forward to
your participation
and amazing works!

Thank you.

Fun, Express, Share!

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-The PENUP Team