Fauvism has the famous painter
Henri Matisse, the Magician
of Color, and is known for use
of colors not by the natural colors
but the subjective emotion
of the painter for the landscape.
This enables the painting way
more intense orunique colors
to be drawn, which was called
by such name because the colors are
powerful like beasts.
The selected artist
for the Hall of Fame in April
is also showing splendid
and powerful colors in drawings,
It’s @sarpal.
In the feed of the artist,
there are the nature, cities
and people and animals in them
are expressed with eye-catching,
strong and beautiful colors.
Also, the pieces seem
to contain subconscious or thoughts
with surrealism and abstraction
which are the elements
to make us imagine
not only the beauty of colors,
but also the thoughts
and intentions of the author.
We should find out the meanings
of these works and how the artist
started drawing them
through the interview.
Then, why don’t we start
the interview with @sarpal?
Hello @sarpal,
We are PENUP’s operations.
Congratulations to be selected
for the Hall of Fame in April.
Please introduce yourself
and give your thoughts
on being selected
to the Hall of Fame.
A1. @sarpal
If I say I am from India,
lived most of my life in Canada,
hold diplomas in graphics and arts
have completed long grinding
working life and now landed
on the golden petals
of retirement years
– all this will not say much
about me.
I have been running long
and short chalks, pencils,
crayons and dipping Camel
and Sable brushes in watercolors,
oils, and acrylics on slates,
papers, canvases, walls, clothes
and floors all those years
in search of myself – realizing
now there is no such thing.
It is all in the making.
I am a process not an identity.
How I feel getting selected
for HoF, to tell you the truth
I got caught off guard.
I never expected this to happen
because I haven’t found
my True FORM and Subject matter yet.
All my sketches are mere attempts
towards that goal. Penup seems
to have a 6th sense
to see something in the making.
Their desire to show case
the creative process is greatly
insightful decision
to promote genuine art
when we are bombarded
with digital pictures and images
and it is becoming extremely
difficult to distinguish Art image
from simple snap shot.
Your first work was uploaded
in July 2018.
Then a lot of pieces are
being shown after.
What made you start uploading
your pieces in PENUP?
A2. @sarpal
Prior to 2018 I was posting
my sketches on Facebook
to share with friends,
family members and relatives
I was making them using
Wacom tablet, using Corel paint,
Paniter and phtoshop software.
I needed something on the go,
Samsung’s tablet
with S pen was a gift from heavens,
I had found new freedom
a mobile sketch pad to jot down
my inner mind and outer surroundings
in real time.
When I first came across PENUP
I thought it was pinup ;)
But latter I realized
what it really was a great forum
to share art
and meet like minded people.
PENUP is such a drink
once you sip it,
you get addicted.
Now I am Penup alcoholic.:)
You uploaded more than
1,000 postings in less
than two years.
We want to know what digital devices
and apps are used for these works.
A3. @sarpal
I usually do 1 to 2 quick sketches
a day and I post them daily.
It’s been two years,
since I bought this Samsung tablet.
I use ArtRage, Artflow,
Corel painter mobile
and infinite painter
interchangeably since each got
it’s own strong features.
By looking at your feed,
We saw that you had some works just
with changes of colors
or small materials.
We want to know your reason
and intention
in drawing these works.
A4. @sarpal
Small changes in colors schemes
and materials keeps the technical
proneness at bay. One can focus
on the essence of intentions.
Or put it this way some great works
of art are so simple yet
so powerful and impressive
one wonders what is it
that they contain?
Answers seems to come
from how they used size
and placement, proportions,
contrast of values, colors, shapes
and lines.
The way they placed emphasis
by exploiting surface tensions.
Even symbolism, cultural images,
viewers memory psyche
and imagination were also used
to deliver meanings.
Intentions and reasons usually
spring from personal experiences
because they contain powerful drives
to express and create Sources
can be bottled up experiences
of past or present.
Or issues arising from
our tightly netted world.
Every incident around the world
seems so personal and up close now,
(Corvid-19) It becomes our reason
and intension to react.
You had some works and expressions
such as they are in frames.
Do you have an intention
for such expressions?
A5. @sarpal
Frames or bleeds, these are part
of the basic graphic language.
In this street scene (my corner
bus stop) or one with a dream
like sketch; a border will do
injustice to the subjet matter
because one is part of the big city
and the other part of imagination.
They are not still life drawings
Artworks seem to contain lots
of meanings with surrealism
caught our attractions.
We want to know
where do you get inspired
and what you enjoy
to express as your theme.
A6. @sarpal
I like to Express thoughts,
feelings, and acts.
These are all thought
oriented sketches.
The role of the book is contrasted
with role of the ball.
Some times books divide us
(various ideologies)
and balls (Soccer) unites us.
Dynamic expression
of the lines was approaching
We want to know where you focus
the most in this expression.
A7. @sarpal
I focus on life’s living force.
Her dog was chasing squirrels.
She ran after him to leash him
but she did not realize her pose,
her gesture, her body form
had unleashed a beast
in someone else’s mind.
Only dynamic lines could capture
the lion in me.
There are a lot of movements
of people and their lives
and we want to know how you get
to draw these scenes.
A8. @sarpal
These sketches are
from my afternoon walks
around people oriented places.
My very first few attempts
on the Samsung S3 tablet.
We were able to see various
nature landscapes and places
and your unique expression
was impressive.
We want to know if it’s born
from your imagination
or memory in travels.
And we want to know your favorite
landscape as well.
A9. @sarpal
These landscape sketches are
from northern Ontario Canada.
Few hours drive from Toronto.
My weekend retreats sometimes.
Cityscape is our Toronto sky line
from lake Ontario.
There was a news,
windows were flying off
from highrise buildings
into the lake.
This is my take of that news
My favorite landscape is mountains
and forests.
Unfortunately I live in urban forest
of highrise buildings ;)
I’m afraid that I have
to give you the last question.
Please tell us any improvements you
want for PENUP or stories you want
to share.
A10. @sarpal
Just to inspire
and stir direction towards pure art,
if from time to time one
or two quotes or rare art pieces
from world renowned artists
from different countries
and from different cultures
is show cased here that will help.
How was the interview with @sarpal?
Henri Martisse expressed
inner pleasure and his wish
for peace through the strong
feelings in his work.
Likewise, we think
that the artist is expressing
the inner mind with the appearance
of the surroundings
and his imaginations through
the lines and colors
of strong feelings.
Why don’t you express your mind
and feelings with colors and lines?
They say modern people are having
comfortable lives
but being sick
in their minds nowadays.
Looking at the inner mind
or surroundings, drawing lines
all you want and expressing them
with various colors will be
an effort for the health
of your mind.
We wish all pieces
to be gathered in PENUP
and become more energetic
and healthy.
Thank you.
Fun, Express, Share!
PENUP - Share your drawings!
https://www.penup.com -The PENUP Team