2020-02-17. AM 03:55
[Interview] HOF February 2020 @edsilva

The founder of neo-impressionist
and french painter Georges Seurat
was a painter like a researching
scientist unlike painters of
many strange behaviors or
dramatic stories.

He read a lot of theses about arts
including color researchers
at that time and continued
research on his drawings
then presented his work
‘A Sunday Afternoon on
the Island of La Grande Jatte’
to announce new drawing
technique pointillism.

The artist selected for
Hall of Fame in February 2020
also has been researching nature
and people’s appearance and
showing different senses
of landscapes through various
drawing techniques to us.
it is presented by @edsilva.

In the work of the artist,
there are beautiful nature
and people with various expressions.
The pieces created
in various drawing techniques
are like showing the artist’s will
for new challenges.

The challenge and research
on the work met a new environment
called digital drawing
and created such unique beauty.
This even makes us so excited and
look forward to his further pieces.

Through this interview,
We should ask the artist about
his new work in progress
and get some hints.
Shall we start the interview
with the artist?

Hello, edisilva.
We are operations team of PENUP.

Congratulations for being selected
in the Hall of Fame of February.

Please introduce yourself to
the audience of this interview
and tell us how you feel about being
selected in the Hall of Fame.

A1. @edsilva
My name is
Jorge Eduardo Pereira da silva.
I’m Brazilian and I live in
Rio de Janeiro in the
Cidade de Deus neighborhood.

I'm a singer, composer and designer.
I'm not trained in music or art,
I taught myself.
Regarding the February
HOF nomination,
I was very happy, but surprised.
Since I met PENUP,
I always had the HOF
as an objective to be achieved.

Because, I’m directing my art
to the world level
and that in my perception would be
like a quality seal for my drawings.

Knowing that my drawings are
being seen by everyone,
and If I am really transmitting
and being understood,
with the message that I am sending.

I feel and understand
that everything is perfect.
Everything I have received
from everyone on the PENUP
was very wonderful.
It challenged me
to improve more and more
and always bring something new.
I always want to do my best.

The first work you uploaded
in PENUP was December 2018.

We wonder how you found PENUP
and started uploading your work.

A2. @edsilva
I met PENUP in December
a month after buying
the Samsung Galaxy Note 9.
Through an announcement
about Note 9 and its possibilities,
there was something about PENUP.
I did a research and saw
that it is a worldwide network.
I thought that,
I can show my work here.

It was the answers I needed.
These answers are simply scary
and that only has motivated me
to continue.
Reaching the HOF
this fast is very nice.

Landscapes expressed with
various drawing techniques
were impressive.

What devices and drawing tools are
you using in producing these works?

A3. @edsilva
The devices, that I use are
Autodesk, Color, Art Rage, Artflow
and Painter.

ArteRage and Painter are the devices
I use the most.

I use the Painter for the range
of brushes and textures.
Art Rage has the spatula
that I love and I makes me feel like
I’m really painting on a canvas.

The beautiful nature
and places in it look cozy.

We wonder the places of
the background of theses works
and the reason why you drew them.

A4. @edsilva
90% of these places do not exist.
They are just my imaginations.
Looking at this you can notice
That my drawings don’t repeat.
It is because I don’t know how
to make copies.

I can’t create a design looking
at another, I never managed
to make a faithful copy.
It’s not my style.

The landscapes are the places
that my heart would like to live in.
These places are where
my peace located.
I would like to draw a landscape,
but the reality is totally different
and it doesn't look like
what I live.

The expressions I look for in people
are humble and suffered by time.
Not by suffering but,
only the energy they had from life.

The other 10% remain in the garden.
A very distant place where
nature is practically untouched.
I also look for old houses
and abandoned places
and I try to imagine the people
who lived there, how they live.

I also see myself live
and play there.
The energy of that place
often makes me emotional.
This seems so real to me.

You have many pieces with people
in them and we even tried to find
them in every piece of your work.

The creative expression method
and appearance of the sky
were impressive.

We wonder where you get
inspired by these works.

A5. @edsilva
I think the expressions contained
in people.
It is the point I want to reach.
It is the interaction
between you and the art.
I want you to put yourself
in the character's place
and you to feel
what the character is going through
with your expressions.

What I want is that
you make the trip with me.
In that case you can be
in the places in my imagination.
Over the sky, it is as mine, as real.
It's the sky that I would like
to paint on a canvas.
I can't do it with the brushes,
but I can do it with the app.

I can’t say that I’m not inspired
by other artists, It would be lying.
I like some artists like,
Leonid Afremovi for their colors,
Rembrant for depth
and Beatriz de Milhazes
for their flowers.
As you can see, I like works of art
that move me and I love.
Maybe I'm pretentious,
but in a good way.
I would like one day to
be remembered for bad drawings.
I would love to work and live
for my art.

We closely saw your work
and they look very creative.

The whole surface or partially
expressed texture were impressive
among them.

We wonder the reason of these
expressions and messages in them.

A6. @edsilva
All art always carries a contained

My greatest joy is
when people understand
and decipher them
for the message is only complete
when you see yourself inside it.

So my mission is complete
because you understood me.
I'm very happy, if you identify
with what I do, it keeps me going.

Various drawing techniques
expressing landscapes and
people were eye-catching.

What is the reason you are using
these various expression techniques?

And please tell us if you have
a preferred expression technique.

A7. @edsilva
I can’t say that there is
a technique.
I am not trained in the arts.
So I can’t say there is a technique
in my art.

I taught myself.
All I know has been donated
by God and what I do is
share this gift.

All I do is in my imagination
and everything is flowing
as I go and everything is forming
as in a Magic pass,
this is it, my dream.

You seemed traveled a lot by looking
at various places in your work.

How often do you travel?
and Do you have any episode
with your work?

A8. @edsilva
I never traveled before.

I never leaved my state.
Maybe one day this will happen.
Everything remains the fruit
of my imagination.

I would like very much
to be able to explain how
it all happens,
Sometimes I am with nothing
in mind and out of nowhere.
Everything is so simple.

The places I associate
with the photos I see
from the world and take
to be part of my scene.
I make a great mix
and it becomes
something that pleases
the eyes and the heart.

You’ve been showing a lot of
your work in your feed.

Please introduce us the most
loved work from your paintings.

Also, we wonder your drawing plans
in the future.

A9. @edsilva
This work, after this text,
faithfully represents the place
where I was born I lived
and grew up.

This is the place
where my parents and family
members, lived and live.
My family is something
that I preserve
and that moves me a lot.
I have a wonderful family.

The plans for the futures
are nothing more than to be able to
work and live from my art one day.

To be able to take my drawings
and paintings to the world.
To be able to share my dreams.

I'd love to hear more of your story,
but sadly it's the last question.

Please tell us if you have
any compliments and suggestions of
improvement for PENUP or anything
you want to tell us.

A10. @edsilva
I want to thank you
who always donates time
to leave a motivational message.
And for you who share
my drawings, taking him
to more people there is
to know my art.

For NISIA, my first follower,
For KUAS, who always passed
a friendly word.
And RAF77, the friend
who always with give
motivating words.

I know it's coming
to an end but that, I'm enjoying
every word and every second.
Thanks to everyone
who follows me
and if you still don't follow me
come because here we make friends.
I can only thank PENUP,
They made me believe
that my art is much bigger
than I imagined.

They gave me the opportunity
to show that imagination takes us
anywhere and today I knew the world.

Thank you to my friends
and family at PENUP.

How was the interview with @edsilva?

We were able to feel that the artist
is dedicated with his effort
and research for his work.

The above mentioned
artist Georges Seruat
also drew about 70 drawings
and preparatory sketches for
one piece and it took two years
of time to spend with his effort
and time to complete the work.

Why don’t we research our work
or other artist’s work when
we don’t have any idea or
inspiration in drawing?

See more closely for topics,
find the related stories with it
and add the feeling from different
angles and new facts to our drawings
would be great.

We wish PENUP’s feeds will become
more plentiful and new
with your new sensations. :)

Fun, Express, Share!

PENUP - Share your drawings!
-The PENUP Team