The impressionism represented
by Edouard Manet, Claude Monet, etc.
had begun from the resist
of the traditional drawing method
with an emphasis on accurate
composition and perfect description.
Not a realistic description,
but it recreated the most impressive
moment of the painter through
a canvas and displayed the freedom
of individuals which is why
it is considered the beginning of
modern arts.
A report Castania from that
time said it’s not the landscapes,
but it describes the senses laid
by landscapes.
The first artist selected
in the Hall of Fame in this year
is @Mishelangello who has been
displaying beautiful works
with sensible descriptions.

In the feed of the artist,
it’s full with the works
throwing questions to us.
It makes us question what he drew
and think about the meaning
in it with the title.
Then if we see both the work
and title together,
it makes us feel we are looking
for answers for the question.
Now, it’s our turn to ask questions
to the artist who has been
throwing questions to us.
Shall we go and meet him now?

Hello, @Mishelangello.
We are operations team of PENUP.
Congratulations for being selected
in the Hall of Fame of January 2020.
Please tell us how you feel about
being selected in the Hall of Fame.
A1. @Mishelangello
First of all,
i want thank you all
for this recognition!
It was such a pleasant surprise
to start a new year with this award!
I am honored and grateful
to be included in the Hall of Fame!
And must say this inspire me
even more to create and capture
more beauty of our magical world!

The first work you uploaded
in PENUP was January 2019.
We wonder how you found PENUP
and started uploading your works.
A2. @Mishelangello
I think i found about PENUP
when i bought my new Samsung Note.
There was PENUP app and at first
I didn't pay much attention to it
as i wasn't sure what app was about.
But then if i remember right,
i saw some post in social media
from some of my artist friend
about this community that gave me
thought to visit PENUP and study it
a bit more deep.
And must say i wasn't disappointed,
i found this great community
with awesome people and lots of
awesome digital and mobile art!

It was a pleasent time to see your
various works with beautiful colors.
What devices and drawing tools did
you use in producing these works?
A3. @Mishelangello
I try to be versatile,
so i create many mediums,
traditional art, digital art,
photography with using
many different tools.
It's just so much fun to play
with colors.
Digital art i usually create
in my Samsung Galaxy Note 8
or on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 3.
It is so awesome that with them
i can paint absolutely everywhere.
It's like i have a small ateljé
everywhere! Just love it!
My most favorite apps are Infinite
Painter, Decosketch and ArtRage.
And with these apps,
i try to use their unique feature
to create unique and stylish art.
For example with Painter,
it nice to paint abstract art
and Artrage.
In my opinion, i think it is the best
for getting a traditional feelings
in digital paintings.

When we look at the landscape
of nature, it make us wonder
about the actual place.
Where are the places of backgrounds
and what are the reasons
for you to drew them?
A4. @Mishelangello
Well, painting subjects are coming
from all around me.
I love to travel and paint,
make sketches or take photography
while traveling.
And i use this materials
in my paintings after i came home.
But of course, part of the paintings
and the places of backgrounds
come from imagination.
For example, when i see
some inspirational place,
tree or some object,
i paint and build the world around
them with my imagination.
In facts, there is so much beauty
of every day life around us
that inspire me and make me want
to paint all day long.
Sadly we have only 24 hours
in a day.
So much thing to do
in such a short time...
And answer for your question
about reasons.
Well, it is simple.
I have so much fun playing
with colors to capture all
the beauties around me.
That is just who i am.

You drew impressive
abstract paintings.
Please tell us about your work
with a face of a female
about its meaning and
how you got to work on it.
A5. @Mishelangello
Those paintings and style the ways
to paint the abstract a face
of a females are very dear
to my heart.
Every of them inspired
from some of music or song
that touch me very deeply.
And with this paintings,
i try to open more deep meaning
of my feelings, mood
that i got from the songs.
Actually, i name the paintings
exactly as songs that inspire me.
So that viewer can inspire
something unique, and feel
the difference when they watch
and listening the song!
I started them when i got
simple idea to just paint some
of my friends and involved in much
more than just portraits.

We saw abstract paintings
with different themes impressively.
Where do you gain the inspiration
for these works?
A6. @Mishelangello
It's actually funny as i always
thought of myself as figurative
painter and felt that its much easier
to paint for example some landscape
the paint abstract.
And then at some point i give
myself a challenge to learn
to paint abstracts, as i love
to challenge myself to grow
as an painter.
And all that happen about
half year ago when i started
to paint those kind of digital
abstract art.
At first they were really simple
but, as time pass it became
more versatile and multilayer.
I usually just put first few colors
on digital canvas to create
basic tone and mood and going from
that by just playng with colors.
That is all my inspiration
colors of the day
that involve in beautiful symphony
in painting!

It would be a bit difficult
in understanding all your
intentions in your works
only by the names of the abstract
Are there any more ways
to enjoy these works?
A7. @Mishelangello
It is a good question! Thank you!
Usually in other social media sites
where i am also sharing this pieces
of art, i try with painting
also, share the lyrics
of the inspirational song
or the link to the song
itself if it is possible.
That way viewer can get more
information for strat point.
But then again the title is just
the directional point,
that can be ignored complitly
and just jumo in to the imaginary
world of colors.
I got lots of messages or comments
from people who saw in painting
completely different subjects
that characters that i don't even
thought about.
Because of my wild and free way
of paint, it seems that you can
found lots of surrealistic layers.
As for example lots of different
characters or faces that
i didn't put there intentionally.
And you can find them or something
completely new with just open your
mind and wondering in painting.
As for example in childhood
when we watching clouds
and at some point starting
to see them changes
and taking some shapes of birds
or funny faces and so many
other subjects.
I think the way to enjoy
and feel the abstracts is
to watch on them with eyes
from chilhood with open mind
to found something new.

It seems it requires a lot
of time to work on the sensible
colors and lights in the works.
How long does it take
to complete a piece?
Also, please tell us your
favorite work and the reason
from your completed works.
A8. @Mishelangello
It is always hard to answer
on that kind of question.
Because its all depends on
what kind stile or medium
i paint, the topic of painting,
or my mood.
But usually i paint very fast
and constantly challenge myself
to paint even faster
with all kind exercises
to improve speed of paint!
Roughly speaking it usually takes
from 20 minutes to 5, 6 hours
depending on details
and what i want to get
with this painting.
I never thought about that.
What is my favorite painting..
maybe every of new paintings are
my favorite till the moment
i could paint new one
that are better from technical
point of view.

You’ve been drawing various
paintings such as nature,
abstract paintings
and still-life paintings.
What drawings are you planning
in your mind in the future?
Also, we wonder if you have
a topic you can newly work on.
A9. @Mishelangello
That is so true,
i constantly searching
for new ways to express myself,
capture something in canvas,
or digital format.
You never know what future will
bring itself.
I love to combine different styles,
mediums and tecnologies in my art.
And create something new with it!
I am always opening to the world
and perhaps that's why i have
so many ideas and projects
as our world is endless and magical.
My only wish is that
we had more hours in a day then
we have now, that we could create
arts more freely!
If i should to choose few things
to mention, then i would say
i probably will paint more cityscapes
on my travels this year.
I love all those antion castles
and old beautiful building
around the world.
So i have in mind to start paint
them more often!
It will be fun!

Last question.
Please tell us if you
want to compliment
or improve to PENUP
and anything you want to say.
A10. @Mishelangello
Thank you for this interview!
And i am really glad that i found
this amazing world of mobile
and digital art PENUP.
You are all amazing guys!
Perhaps my one of suggestion is
to improve site is to add a bit more
space in a title area for more text.
Somehow its always feels that
if you want to whire something more
that just few words to explain about
art pieces, the space is always end
before you even start.
PENUP is always awesome place
and community, so let's continue
all together to capture, create more
beauty and magic in to this world.
Peace and Love, M.
How was the interview with
A German philosopher Goethe
thought that colors don’t only
affect the vision but also emotions
with the vision as medium.
We can feel various emotions
by meeting various colors of
the artist’s works.
Why don’t our PENPLE to
create your works by using
the various colors of your choice?
Put all the colors you want in
coloring and live drawing
And it would be great
to draw your favorite object
and landscapes using various colors
and methods.
We hope all the beautiful colors
gather in such and color
the feeds of PENUP beautifully.
Fun, Express, Share!
PENUP - Share your drawings!
https://www.penup.com -The PENUP Team