2019-12-04. AM 04:05
[Notice] PENUP update Ver 3.4.0

Greetings, penple!

Many of you have been telling us
that you want to use PENUP without
network connection for long.

Finally, you can use PENUP without
network connection starting
in this version 3.4.0.

Today, we want to introduce newly
added features in PENUP through
3.4.0 version.

First, Offline mode is added.

PENUP requires network connection to
show all the works uploaded over
the world.

Now you can continue your saved
colorings and live drawings saved
in the Drafts without network
connection and start a new drawing.

You can also use sketch filter
in photo drawing and please be
reminded of it.

For your further travels without
network connection,
don’t forget to access PENUP ahead
and save your work in the Drafts.:)

Second, We support Drafts file backup.

When you got a new smartphone,
were you worried about
your drawings in PENUP?
PENUP supports ‘Smart Switch’
feature now.

‘Smart Switch’ is an app to
transfer data between smartphones.

It transferred PENUP app only
but now it supports transferring all
the data within the app together.

All drawings, colorings and
live drawing files from
the old device will be
duplicated to your new device.

※ However, be careful in using
this because the drawings
you drew in your new device can be
overwritten from the drawings
from your old device.

To use this feature,
you need the newest version
of ‘Smart Swtich’.
So please don’t forget
to check the updates.

There are various UX improvements
other than that.
It would be great to check side
by side in PENUP with a good time.

PENUP’s features are being more
convenient to draw easily and
comfortably in more places.

We, PENUP’s management team
will always do our best to feel
happy to inspire, draw drawings
and communicate with everyone
anytime in any place over the world.

Thank you.

Draw, Express, Share

PENUP - Share your drawings!