During ancient times,
pictures were usually limited
to gods, people, or objects.
Sceneries were just the
background to these subjects.
Only during the Renaissance Period
did nature become not the
providence of the gods but
something to be observed in itself
and so sceneries began to
gain recognition as a genre itself.
One of the appeals of sceneries
is that beyond merely recreating
nature realistically, it can
be expressed differently according
to the emotions of the artist.
The artist nominated for
October’s HOF has captured
nature’s moments and is sharing
the beauty of them with everyone.
It is @AENEAN artist.
The artist’s feed is filled with
beautiful sceneries of nature.
The high mountain peaks,
wide plains, and the sheer
cliffs and valleys.
Looking at each beautiful piece
of nature melted into these
pictures makes us want to escape
the stifling city to go inside one
of these picture and walk through
nature and feel the wind.
Also, the artist has exquisitely
expressed the flow of time and
change of season,
giving a sense of movement
and so allowing us to be
immersed by these pictures.
In addition to the perception
of space and depth that can be
normally seen in scenery paintings,
the artist has added texture and
color to give a variety and
silencing enigmatic allure.
Check out the artist’s feed
and enjoy the diverse pictures.
Please leave your congratulations
and encouraging messages
in the Fanbook.
And please look forward
to the interview with the artist :).