2019-05-31. AM 09:45
[Challenge]2019.June:Let's draw Camping

As the balancing out of work and life, the Work-Life Balance culture, is spreading; many people are enjoying their leisure time.
Especially the chance to enjoy outdoor life through camping is continually gaining popularity.

The theme for this challenge is ‘Camping’.

Weekend Solitude / @TammyShannon
camping / @gustaf

Camping is an activity where you can spend your time outside in a tent, a trailer, or a camping car.

Rather than the consumption of material things, the inclination towards experience is rising and increasing the demand on outdoor camping.

Camping displays society’s consciousness towards the importance of spending time with family, friends, and loved ones, and an escape from the bonds from our daily lives.

Camping trip vacation / @AntoineKhanji
Sailing on / @DigitalArtMP

What comes to mind when you think of camping?
Tents, trailers, campfire, cooking, and a starry night scenery!
These are all things that aren’t easily accessible in our daily lives.

To encamp outdoors is getting out of the comfort of your home and spending some time in an unfamiliar place.

We get to chance upon new things when we go out of our comfort zones into this unfamiliar place.

In that sense, camping is like a resting time to look back at our lives and the inertia that has captivated us.

Boulder and Fleet camping / @jerzydrozd
camping / @hosio

What do you want to do when you go camping?
Roasting marshmallows in a campfire, drinking beer while playing the guitar, looking up at the night sky and making a wish upon a star, and if you enjoy digital drawing, capturing these lovely moments in a drawing!

Express what you would like to do when you go camping, or any fancies or thoughts you have about camping in a drawing and put it up on the challenge feed; with the thought that PENPLE around the world are enjoying camping with you!

This challenge is from: May 1st (Sat) – May 15th (Sat) For a total of 15 days.

We would appreciate all your participation and we are looking forward to some great entries.

Thank you.

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