2018-10-19. AM 02:19
[Review] Challenge of September (2)

The second challenge of September!

Themed on “Leaf”, the challenge was fulfilled with vivid colors that embrace the change of the season.

Please send congratulations notes to below ten people.
Thank you everyone who participated in the “Leaf” challenge.

Leafs after the rain / @zivzif
leaf / @Raini

These two artworks depicted the raindrops and the leaf.

After rainfall, the raindrops are drooping from the leaves.
When the wind blows, the small raindrops will roll around to become one big water drop.
It’s done by @zivzif.

The three leafed clover is embracing raindrops.
The detailed expression like fluffy hair on the grass really gives realistic aspect to the artwork.
It’s done by @Raini.

Autumn Hedgehog / @Tammic
Colorful Leaf / @Bella18

These two artworks show the autumn.

Where has it been to?
It is a hedgehog with leaves and acorns all over.
It’s a new way of camouflage.
The work was done by Tammic.

When the wind blows, the rich green leaves will wear another colored clothes after step by step.
This work by @Bella18 shows the full journey of a leaf.

Frog in the rainforest....♡ / @N.D.T
Lotus Pond / @Kuas

These two works show the harmony in nature.

A frog is showing its face in between the leaves.
Is it trying to check whether the rain is over?
@N.D.T’s artwork shows very unique posture of frog.

The lotus and lotus leaves floating on the pond.
Carp is also seen in the pond, as the pond is the home for the carp.
It is done by @Kuas’ work, which shows sentimental mood.

♡♡HOME TUNISIE♡♡ / @Tunisienne
' Monochromatic drawing 4/1 / @Eraisosenpai

These two artworks show very attractive blue mood.

The bines are lined on the house wall.
With the bines and special patterns on the blue door, the overall work gives ethnic feel.
There are vivid colors in between the bines as well.
It was done by @Tunisienne.

In the blue colored leaf consisted of single color, you can ironically see somewhat moderate aesthetics as well as splendor at the same time.
The transparent yet mystical blue light gives that kind of feeling.
It is done by @Eraisosenpai.

Leaf: Nature's Perfect Umbrella / @WengDablo
untitled /@Aspin

These two artworks embrace sunlight.

A kid is using a big leaf as an umbrella.
There is both rain fall and sunlight pouring to the umbrella made of the nature.
It is done by @WengDablo.

There is a light shining in the forest, which seems to be always dark.
The leaves that consist the forest show another aspect as they meet the light.
It is done by @Aspin.

Below are our 10 winners.


Please leave messages of cheers and congratulations to the 10 winners.

Right now, the second challenge of October – “Let’s Draw Halloween” – is being held.

We look forward to your participation.

Thank you.

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