2014-12-24. PM 06:55
  • Hello, everyone!!

    This is the day to announce the results of our Calendar Contest that you have waited!
    We had to think it over to select your characteristic and unique paintings. Did you also wonder the results?
    Now, we open the great works to fill our special calendar!
  • @SPR, @Grafixguru, @hanna-aris, @shawnhoefer, @JS.P, @jandi, @kina_colada, @MR.Rambo, @Haze, @anim
    Congratulations!!! ^^

    For the ones selected in this calendar contest, we prepared the special present including the calendar. And also for the 300 persons from the participants in order of application, we will send the calendar.
    We plan to send our e-mail to the 300 participants, please reply to us with your address. Your personal information is used only for the delivery of our calendar, and it will be discarded immediately after delivery.
    Thank you for your support and participation in our calendar contest.
    Have a merry Christmas!!!
  • January_SPR_winter
  • February_Grafixguru_Winter
  • March_hanna-aris_a swallow
  • April_shawnhoefer_spring blossom
  • May_JS.P_Sillent – Spring
  • June_SPR_summer
  • July_hanna-aris_Almost done
  • August_jandi_Enjoy Watermelon Island's summer!
  • September_kina_colada_Spring fling
  • October_MrRambo_autumn
  • Novemver_Haze_Autumn
  • December_Anim_Winter2