2013-12-21. AM 07:14
  • Dear PEN.UP artists,
    We got the latest version available in time for holidays!
    Please refer to the following updates for an even better Pen.Up experience.
  • ■ Highlight
  • "Highlight" section within the left-menu bar provides you the latest tips.
    Ranging from drawing app recommendations to the latest Pen.Up trends,
    "Highlight" is the sweet spot for fun-seeking Pen.Up users.
  • ■ Customized Category
  • Now you can reorder categories.
    Simply drag & drop the categories based on your preference.
  • ■ Say hello to your friends on Fanbook
  • "Fanbook" under profile section lets you say hello to specific Pen.Up users.
  • ■ Don't go back to view more artworks
  • Don't go back anymore!
    Simply swipe to view the endless stream of amazing artworks.
  • ■ Instant Interaction on Multiple Views
  • 1-row: Comment, repost, and favorite on 1-row feed on the go.
  • 2-row: Long-press on the artwork to bring up a "Quick Actio bar." Enjoy seamless favorite, repost, comment experience.