Great thanks to all the PEN.ples participating in Pen.up Cover Event.
It was a great fun to see your wit.
Here are some of the prettiest and most ingenious profile covers.
■ The first : N3P
N3P got the first place of the Cover Design Event!
The best among his many profile covers is without doubt Captain America.
With consistent efforts and great passion for PEN.UP, N3P, you are the real hero of PEN.UP!
■ The second place : Zinniya
After a close match with N3P, Zinniya got the second place.
It’s amazing to see a profile picture with a fool moon.
His cover looks like a scene of the movie, “Dracula”.
■ The third place : Kiana_Leilani
The third place is Kiana_leilani, who has changed herself into a mermaid warrior.
Her hair in the profile goes well with the wave.
There are also many pretty profiles other than these three.
Among them are Penples that I would like to present a special prize to.
They are BacGyver and LightsNShadows.
The first place winner N3P can receive special prize. : An application service coupon for making own smartphone case-"casebyme".
The second, third place winners and two special prize winners can receive special prize. : A drawing tool coupon with a great usability-"Artflow".
Please send us your email to so we will be sent coupons to your email address.
Share your drawings on Drawing Share SNS, PEN.UP!
-The PEN.UP Team
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