2017-03-02. PM 10:15
[HOF] March 2017 @eun

We ‘re already coming up on month number three in 2017.
I can smell the spring in the air, which is just around the corner.

Our Hall of Fame (HOF) inductee this month has plenty of artworks that feel like they‘ve captured and condensed the feel of spring.

Using a wide spectrum of colors, our newest HOF boasts striking imagery and the subjects themselves are not just your run-of-the-mill type items.

She continues to draw various pictures with ‘women’ as the main subject for most of her work.
And! It seems like she meets women with all sorts of personalities. :)

Among all the wonderful aspects of her work, I think what stands out is her attention to detail.
At first, we wondered if these were really drawn using a tablet.

That ‘s how detailed and lively they were.

She worked a long time ago, and now she ‘s back!
That’s why her work caught our attention. :)

Please congratulate @eun, our HOF inductee for the month of March.
Everybody! Send a message to @eun and congratulate her for getting into the HOF.

Also, for @eun, we ‘d appreciate it if you could send an e-mail to our PEN.UP team (penup.mgr@gmail.com).

Congratulations to you once again.

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