To our PEN.ples, do you like cats?
It seems there are a lot of cats on PEN.UP who can talk and do a lot of things with people.
As we mentioned the last time, our latest HOF interview is with @greeda.
Personally, We are very curious about @greeda's cat. :)
What stories, apart from her cat, will she share with us?
Well then, we'll begin our interview with @greeda.

Q1. @PEN.UP :
Hello! You've been inducted into the HOF in January to kick start 2017.
Congratulations once again.
Can you say hello and introduce yourself to our PEN.Ples?
A. @greeda :
Hello, I'm @greeda, author of 'The Yellow cat and the Little girl'.
First of all, thank you for selecting me as the first person in 2017 inducted into the HOF.
I think it's going to be a good gift for me to start the new year.
But the artist label is still a little embarrassing.
I'm not a full-time artist at the moment but I am aspiring to become one.
Q2. @PEN.UP :
There are two words that represent @greeda as an artist.
They're 'girl' and 'cat'.
Your cute cat, along with the girl, is beloved by many fans.
Can you tell us a little bit about the cat as well?

A. @greeda :
The cat is the centerpiece of that pops up in my drawings the most.
The illustrations above are cats called 'Dreaming cats' and they are cats that can do whatever they want to.
I haven't been able to draw a lot of them since I'm focusing on 'The Yellow cat and the Little girl'.
but I want to draw cats doing a variety of different activities and cats in ways that reflect the season.
I've been living with my cat for eight years now and I've gotten so much emotional support from my cat.
The Yellow cat is inspired by the cat that lives with me now.
The Yellow cat is a friend for the Little girl who shares a lot of memories with the girl and, at times, comforts the girl as well.
Looking at my cat who lives indoors, I wanted to express my hope of sorts to have a lot of different experiences with my cat.
Q3. @PEN.UP :
Now that we've talked about your cat, I think it will be great to get to know you a little more ^^
While our PEN.UP team was working to induct you into the HOF, we were creating a banner and we got the feeling that 'they really go well together'.
It felt as if the illustration was made just for the banner.
It seems it wasn't difficult to create the illustration because you have a strong character and concept but can you tell us how your cute Little girl was born?

A. @greeda :
I'm glad to know you liked it. ^^
As I mentioned in the previous question, the Little girl represents me.
At times, it could be everyone who loves cats.
And personally, I really want to have children when I get married.
I drew some of my drawings imagining that it might look like this in the future when my cat lives together with my daughter (or son).

Q4. @PEN.UP :
If we look at you’re activity history, you joined in 2014 but didn't post any activities.
You became much more active in 2016.
Was there a particular reason?
A. @greeda :
I always dreamed of doing something involved with drawing and I began drawing after I got my hands on a Galaxy Note.
I joined PEN.UP in 2014 but my drawings didn't have a clear concept at the time and the artwork that showed up in the 'Popular' page on PEN.UP mostly seemed to be pieces that were more realistic in style.
so, I was a little shy about uploading my work.
I took some courage in when my Yellow cat and the Little girl was selected for the first time In the Goods Challenge in June 2016.
That's when I think it became clear to me what I wanted to draw.
I understood what it meant to draw something I felt happy with rather than following someone else's style.
As I began drawing my stories with my cat that I love
I was able to share the warmth that I felt with other PEN.UP users and people identified with me which helped me get to today.

Q5. @PEN.UP :
I think you're very active in communicating with others not just on PEN.UP but also SNS platforms and blogs on web portals.
Off-line as well. :)
Have you gotten any special feelings out of communicating with other people using a variety of outlets?
A. @greeda :
Since I didn’t major in art and I'm not working in the art business, I use my SNS accounts and my blog to see the works of unique and characterful artists.
Although, I think I haven't been able to put in a lot of attention to them lately.
When I get emails or comments on my drawings saying that my work reminds them of memories with cats in their childhood, or when I get feedback saying that people feel happy when the see my drawings, that makes me really happy.
Also, I'm thankful for people who saw the Little girl as the main character and for those who assumed she was a young girl. ^^

Q6. @PEN.UP :
Our PEN.UP team has been tracking your work for a while.
That's why we produced goods and showcased them at the 2016 PEN.UP exhibition, the d’light event etc.
Personally, do you have any plans to use your Little girl and Yellow cat characters to produce goods and commercialize them?
A. @greeda :
Thanks to PEN.UP, who took care of everything so that I didn't have to worry about a thing, I got those goods as a gift and I've kept them as a memento.
Unfortunately I haven't received any offers to commercialize them yet.
Does PEN.UP have any plans to jump into the character business? (laughs)
As I continue drawing The Yellow cat and Little girl, I've become attached to the characters.
Some people around me have piracy concerns, so I'm thinking about registering my characters.

Q7. @PEN.UP :
A few months ago, you wrote us a drawing tip.
Comparing what you said then and now, we've noticed a few changes.
Have you changed the way you work?
Since you use a Galaxy Note 4, I presume you have some tips For PEN.UP users with Galaxy Note 4s and we're also curious about how you normally work on your drawings.
A. @greeda :
You've noticed.
I use a tool called Sketchbook and before, I stuck to coloring in each and every part using primarily pencil no. 2 to make my work seem like they had been colored in with color pencils.
But since Galaxy Note 4 has a smaller screen, my wrist got tired so now, I'm using the 'fill in' tool a lot.
Although my work doesn't involve a lot of detailed depictions, the number of layers are limited in Sketchbook depending on the resolution.
So when I work, I work on the background and characters separately, and I import the images into a new sketch, resize them and put them together for the final piece.

Q8. @PEN.UP :
Sometimes your work involves charming and humorous poses as well as playful activities.
But from time to time, there are pieces with a different feel to them.
Does it depend on you in terms of the source of these different atmospheres? :)
A. @greeda :
When I create the overall feel for my work, I take hints from my everyday life like most artists.
When I'm enjoying a cup of coffee at a nice café I think of my cat alone at home so I draw a picture of myself having some tea with my cat.
It's the same with the one where we're making a wish looking at the super moon.
Although I may be away from my cat, I always think I'm with my cat and reflect that in my work.
Also, I don't get complacent and stop imagining things in everyday life.
I think those whimsical thoughts relieve stress that comes from life.
Q9. @PEN.UP :
Your work exudes a fairy-tale like atmosphere as well.
Each of your drawings seem to have their own story and I think so many people love your work because you're using familiar characters in the Little girl and Yellow cat.
I personally thought it would be great if your work was turned into a fairy-tale.
Have you ever thought about fairy-tale books?

A. @greeda :
Since I'm not a full-time artist, I don't have any specific plans yet.
When I do work on something like that, I want to create stories that help children imagine joyous things.
and those that give adults a small patch of comfort.
At the moment, I think hard about one drawing and adding a title…
But if I get the opportunity, it might be fun to work so that three to five drawings can come together to create a short story.
Q10. @PEN.UP :
Well, I'd like to wrap up our interview with a question I've been asking all of our artists selected for the HOF.
Our artists have all given us plenty of good answers. :)
But don't worry too much! No pressure.
When were you happy and delighted the most while drawing?
A. @greeda :
I feel like drawing itself heals me and its great fun.
It's great that I can share my drawings and communicate with others using PEN.UP as well.
Last year, in particular, I had a great opportunity to offer a wallpaper on the Samsung Theme Service and I was able to introduce my work to even more people and that made me really happy.

Q11. @PEN.UP :
Thank you so much for answering all of our questions.
Please give us a word for our PEN.Ples~
A. @greeda :
I'm so happy to say hello to the PEN.PLE family through this interview.
I thank you for your love and interest in my work.
Although communicating through words has Its limits, so I'll look forward to meeting you with warm and happy drawings in 2017. ^^
This brings our interview with @greeda, the first HOF member for 2017, to an end.
When we welcome in a new year, we set one or two small hopes for the year in our hearts.
Unfortunately, so many of us forget about them too soon.
But some of us to make those hopes and dreams come true.
It's obvious that hard work is a requisite factor but I think the difference is the desperation some people have for what they want.
In 2017, how about we add that desperation to what we really want?
At PEN.UP, we will all sincerely hope that our PEN.Ple achieves everything they set out for in 2017 and keep that bottled up in our hearts.
Please send your congratulations to @greeda, our HOF inductee for the month of January 2017!
Share your congratulations and take one step closer to each other.
Thank you.
PEN.UP - Share your drawings!
http://www.penup.com-The PEN.UP Team