2014-05-27. AM 10:44
Update Notice Hello PEN.UP people, my fellow PEN.UP users?

I’m here to introduce our new updated function for 1.4.2 version.

1. The search function for My Feed has been improved for easier use.
    - It’s simple to find my drawings and reposted works at My Feed.

2. Fanbook alarm function has also been added.
    - No more inconvenience!
      how about leaving a comment on other PEN.UP people’s Fanbook.

3. The user profile image is provided beside ID during Mention.
     - In the past, only the ID appeared when mentioning others when adding a comment.
       But now you will see the user’s profile picture as well.

We will do our best in quick updates for better and easier use of PEN.UP!

Share your drawings on Drawing Share SNS;PEN.UP http://www.penup.com