“Drawing the Sun and the Moon”,
the first challenge of 2016.
In the last month, the suns and the moons of diverse shapes have filled up the PEN.UP Challenge page.
It was so amazing to see the variety in the presentation of the sun that signals the morning and the moon
There are series of awesome drawings; the drawing that conveys the harmony between the Yin and Yang; the new moon that is slightly revealed in the falling sun; and the sun that blooms brightly while the moon is falling.
I always feel that the artists’ skills are amazingly excellent.
As said earlier in the notice, we will give pretty diaries to those who have won this January Challenge. We have selected a total of five artists. Please see below.
@casebasket_Celestial Mix
Wow. Those who are long time user would notice to whom this drawing belongs just by looking at the drawing style.
It is the drawing of @casebasket, who always delights us with amazing drawings.
The sun and the moon he has drawn has strong expression of the harmony between Yin and Yang.
He has used extraordinary colors, not the usual colors, for the sun and the moon. How impressive!
@ grafixguru_legends
This is a dreamy drawing that recalls the “Blue Challenge”. @Grafixguru uses Note 2 for drawing. The moon you are looking at seems to shine as if it were a real one.
In addition, the unicorn relieving its thirst at the stream adds peace to the drawing and the trees on both sides make the drawing look more emotional.
The elements of colors that express the moonlight, unicorn and the dawn are all in a harmony, making it a beautiful drawing.
@ivanski215_Moonlit bench
The drawings of @ivanski215 usually showed the diverse expressions and strong actions of popular heroes.
The presentation of the bench lying peacefully in front of the moonlight river is an emotional side of the artist, which we do not see that often.
(I thought it was a falling sun; but I noticed it was the moon after reading the title.)
@vuckethead_..clash of the titans..
Visit @vuckethead’s page. There is always a moon in every piece of the artist’s drawing. There are drawings of a full moon, new moon and half-moon.
Sometimes, you could see the time flowing with the moon yet to be fallen and the moon yet to be risen.
Perhaps, this challenge may have been prepared for this artist^^;;
When I look at this piece, I feel as if I am looking at a video clip of a sun falling and a moon rising.
@Zinniya’s drawings are always dimensional. With the illustrative feature, the sun seems to make itself stand out with the its light shining although it is hidden behind the tree.
As said earlier, the tree looks quite unique as well, which makes the drawing more dreamy-like. It seems elves will fly here and there around the three.
There were so many other excellent drawings. It’s a pity that we could only select five winners.
We will send the diaries to the five winners above.
We look forward to your participation.
For the five winners, please send your personal information to us.
[PEN.UP user name/ real name/ mailing address/ contact number]
Address : penup.mgr@gmail.com
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Those who have won the event, please check the privacy policy until Feburary 26(Friday).
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* Purpose of personal information collection and usage :
To check prize winning for PEN.UP November challenge and prize delivery.
* Personal information collection criteria: PEN.UP ID/ Real name/ Address/ Contact number
* Period for retaining personal information and usage: Feburary 26, 2016 – March 15, 2016
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