2015-12-23. AM 02:35

  • We are finally here for the last review of the exhibition.

    It’s not been so long since the exhibition, but I feel sad already.

    Personally, I want to reopen the exhibition to complete it perfectly.^^

    This review is on the lucky draw and social gathering, the highlight of the exhibition.

    After the caricature event started at noon on December 12 followed by the drawing show by @mongpic and @BacGyver and the drawing talk given by @Grandpa and @GalaxyPainter.

    The lucky draw event took place from 6 p.m.
    There were many gifts waiting for us; those who have paid attention to the notice would know what the gift is.
  • Before the lucky draw started, the PEN.UP community manager introduced briefly about PEN.UP and gave opening remarks.

    The speech started off with the popular saying
    “Politics change the country and art changes life”.

    The manager talked about the drawings of the PEN.UP people from all over the world are different and have their originality.

    Then, the manager explained the joy and benefits earned from sharing and appreciating such drawings.
  • Now, the time that we’ve been waiting has finally arrived.

    There are some people who saw the pictures that have been uploaded on the notice board, right?

    Those are the gifts that are to be delivered to you via lucky draw.

    There are devices including Galaxy Note and Tablet, as well as endangered animal battery packs.

    Also, we have prepared “eco bags” on which 12 HOFs’ drawings are imprinted. In addition, there are some postcards made from the pieces that were on exhibition.

    You cannot miss the 2016 PEN.UP calendar as well.
  • When we announced the first prize winner that would get a Galaxy Note 5, we could hear all the exclamations.

    The winner could not stop from being happy; he ran all the way to the stage waving his hands.


    The event wrapped up in great joy.
    I hope that this would be a good memory for people who have come to visit our exhibition.

    Now, all the official events were finished at D’light.
    We then moved to the venue where ‘Social Gathering’ was held.
  • We gave out the invitation to those people who had applied for the event.

    People then started showing up at the venue.

    The gathering was planned to show our gratitude towards those artists who have ran programs and the participants who partook in the event.

    There were some people who even thanked us for giving them the chance to dine with the artists to converse with them.
  • This is the venue where the social gathering was held. It was full of end of year festive mood.

    Since everyone worked hard today, people much enjoyed the time.
  • Also, the people looked back on 2015 and shared their insights.

    In addition, we even interviewed those who came to the event.

    Please check out the PEN.UP 2015 Year End Exhibition via the video that is to be released soon.

    You have to remember this!

    Taking this year’s exhibition as a learning, we will commit ourselves to come up with more fantastic event next year.

    Enjoy the rest of year!
    Thank you.