Featuring a variety of menus, brushes, properties, tool box, etc, the mobile version of the most powerful digital painting app "Corel Painter" has been released.
Corel Painter has been praised by many digital drawing artists.
You don't need to be a professional to create a work with the various features of the app, which
makes it so popular.
As its mobile version is released, Corel Painter has become a family member of PEN.UP.
You can easily and quickly upload a work you have completed on the app onto PEN.UP.
Those works you have uploaded by the direct posting function can be viewed in 'Apps for PEN.UP'.
There are currently many apps for PEN.UP.
When new apps have been introduced, it would be wonderful to get yourself familiar with those different tools and try to find the best app for you.
And trying those various techniques would certainly help improve your drawing skills.
With its capability of setting various brushes and textures of paper, Corel Painter would be almost as good as hand drawing.
We hope this newly released mobile version will be loved by all of you.!
Take a moment to appreciate those wonderful works sent from Corel Painter.
Drawing tips will soon be uploaded for you to use Corel Painter more skillfully.