

prettygirl2 why did you started a war i just join in to help @[huh|1679194729104841] she did nothing to you but you did somethig to her and war does not fix the what you did in the past and you ship people who was not in a ship like @[huh|1679194729104841] and @[nolo|1619003576997731] and you and levelup


prettygirl2 why did you started a war i just join in to help @[huh|1679194729104841] she did nothing to you but you did somethig to her and war does not fix the what you did in the past and you ship people who was not in a ship like @[huh|1679194729104841] and @[nolo|1619003576997731] and you and levelup

why... | hannah2014 | Digital Drawing | PENUP