

SHE WILL EAT YOU AND LEAVE THE REST OF YOU TO THE DEMONS UNDER THE BED >:) JK! I wanted to make a dragon puppet that kinda looked like a clown :> DONT MESS WITH HIM OR YOU WILL DIE! I cant wait until I get home so I can start making a bigger dragon puppet then Star :D ik I have already posted a picture of her, but he is so cute and scary at the same time^^ tags in comments^^


SHE WILL EAT YOU AND LEAVE THE REST OF YOU TO THE DEMONS UNDER THE BED >:) JK! I wanted to make a dragon puppet that kinda looked like a clown :> DONT MESS WITH HIM OR YOU WILL DIE! I cant wait until I get home so I can start making a bigger dragon puppet then Star :D ik I have already posted a picture of her, but he is so cute and scary at the same time^^ tags in comments^^

clowny^^ | -.-F_R_E_A_K-.- | Digital Drawing | PENUP