thanks to the people here for all the hate^^

I get such a happy feeling when people tells me this^^ its like all of it is true :0 it's like a dream coming true :) this is such a good day, nothing bad has happened, everything is just fine, I can do this a little bit longer before I snap^^ so hurry up if you want to say mean things to me, right now idc, my life is already a miserable, I'm scared of my own dad and mom, the teachers scares me, people makes fun of how I look^^ its just like a story, everything is just great and perfect^^


I get such a happy feeling when people tells me this^^ its like all of it is true :0 it's like a dream coming true :) this is such a good day, nothing bad has happened, everything is just fine, I can do this a little bit longer before I snap^^ so hurry up if you want to say mean things to me, right now idc, my life is already a miserable, I'm scared of my own dad and mom, the teachers scares me, people makes fun of how I look^^ its just like a story, everything is just great and perfect^^

thanks to the people here for all the hate^^ | S.H.A.R.K.Y | Digital Drawing | PENUP