how to make my oc part 11

We all hold hands of one another So grab your sister and your brother There's so many secrets we'll discover Power on and lights so bright You get my cheer and not the night When he comes out I don't feel right So please don't go stay in my sight This area is sure off limits We'll get in trouble I must admit My friend won't you please take my advice? If he comes out, it'll be your demise Please, come on, I'm warning you He doesn't like me, and he won't like you


We all hold hands of one another So grab your sister and your brother There's so many secrets we'll discover Power on and lights so bright You get my cheer and not the night When he comes out I don't feel right So please don't go stay in my sight This area is sure off limits We'll get in trouble I must admit My friend won't you please take my advice? If he comes out, it'll be your demise Please, come on, I'm warning you He doesn't like me, and he won't like you

how to make my oc part 11  | S.H.A.R.K.Y | Digital Drawing | PENUP