After Lizaa died she was like: *instant depression* And there she had this friend Tempo (check in Cosmos's reference) from the secret school that educated children against the Bat kingdom (the whole rebellion group is called the Stabon) who gave Cherrie shelter after Coffee also died and Cherrie was like: *double instant depression + complete loneliness* ended her hard-core lmao. Just uploading this here in case. Every story has two sides :)
After Lizaa died she was like: *instant depression* And there she had this friend Tempo (check in Cosmos's reference) from the secret school that educated children against the Bat kingdom (the whole rebellion group is called the Stabon) who gave Cherrie shelter after Coffee also died and Cherrie was like: *double instant depression + complete loneliness* ended her hard-core lmao. Just uploading this here in case. Every story has two sides :)