
Every time I post my art on Instagram, Tumblr, or Discord, I always take a huge hit to my confidence, as I'm just totally ignored, talked over, or the only comments are from spam bots or scammers. But here on Penup, I feel like I'm actually seen and valued, and I appreciate you all so, so much for that. Here, artists uplift and support one another. I think that's beautiful. Thank you for bringing joy back into my art. ♡☆♧ #heart #piggy #doodle #thanks


Every time I post my art on Instagram, Tumblr, or Discord, I always take a huge hit to my confidence, as I'm just totally ignored, talked over, or the only comments are from spam bots or scammers. But here on Penup, I feel like I'm actually seen and valued, and I appreciate you all so, so much for that. Here, artists uplift and support one another. I think that's beautiful. Thank you for bringing joy back into my art. ♡☆♧ #heart #piggy #doodle #thanks

Doodle Digital Drawing | Cabbage.Pig | PENUP