
Species event submission for @ArabellaMayer

LOREEEEEE "Mintooaia is a herbivore creature though trying to eat leaves or berries properly, It's toxin coming from its body is really deadly like acid (As shown on the left of the post) these creatures were once a threat through ancient times. These destroyed crops, construction, art and many more things made or grown by human kind.These creatures survived many attacks from humans thanks to its toxin covering it's body which dissolves anything it comes in contact with.." #SpeciesEvent


LOREEEEEE "Mintooaia is a herbivore creature though trying to eat leaves or berries properly, It's toxin coming from its body is really deadly like acid (As shown on the left of the post) these creatures were once a threat through ancient times. These destroyed crops, construction, art and many more things made or grown by human kind.These creatures survived many attacks from humans thanks to its toxin covering it's body which dissolves anything it comes in contact with.." #SpeciesEvent

Species event submission for @ArabellaMayer | xRavenne | Digital Drawing | PENUP