
silly suntan doodle

so uh- first off all I want to apologize for never being active on here but ima try to post a bit more secondly, I'm currently hyper fixating on omori again so ima post a lot of stuff abt that- and lastly, I promise I will stop procrastinating on the 6 fanart challenge one day...one day... ÚmÙ #omori #suntan #sunny #kel


so uh- first off all I want to apologize for never being active on here but ima try to post a bit more secondly, I'm currently hyper fixating on omori again so ima post a lot of stuff abt that- and lastly, I promise I will stop procrastinating on the 6 fanart challenge one day...one day... ÚmÙ #omori #suntan #sunny #kel

silly suntan doodle | W3ird_P3rs0n | Digital Drawing | PENUP